1904 State Mine Inspector's Report
for the 1903 Explosion of Union Pacific Coal Company's Number One Mine
in Hanna, Carbon, Wyoming
Office of the State Mine Inspector.
Cheyenne, Wyo., June 1st, 1904.
To His Excellency,
Fenimore Chatterton,
Governor of the State of Wyoming.
Sir: -
I have the honor to submit to you my report of the mine explosion which occurred at Hanna, Carbon County, Wyoming on June 30th, at 10:15 A. M., 1903, in the property of the Union Pacific Coal Co.
This report has been delayed until this late date for the reason that there were so many complications connected with the disaster and the great damage done to the mine, the long and tedious efforts made by the Coal Company exploring the mine for persons who lost their lives, the slow and tedious difficulties of recovering them, the many unfortunate obstacles to contend with in repairing and reconstructing the mine, so that the last body might be found and brought to the surface, which has only been accomplished at a very recent date so that a satisfactory inspection could be made. No previous report prior to this date, could have gathered the same correctness as the one I now present to you.
My first examination of the Union Pacific Coal Company Mine No. One, located at Hanna, Carbon County, Wyoming, was made on the 4th day of May, 1903. Herewith I append you a copy of my report as made on that date:-
On May 4th, 1903, I made my first examination of the Union Pacific Coal Company mine located at Hanna, Wyoming.
I was accompanied by Mr. John Battle, Foreman of the Mines, and Mr. Lanky, Fireman. We entered the shaft located on the north side of the main slope. Examined the shaft entrance and found the same in good condition from top to bottom of the shaft. We then traveled the incline to the 9th entry. The entire distance was moist and in excellent condition. From that point we examined the 9th entry and visited the rooms at the faces. A good strong current of air was in circulation, same conditions existed at the cross cuts. We also went to the face of the 9th entry and the ventilation at that point was good. On our return we followed the plane down to the adjoining entry, passing out to the manway. We also visited the horse and mule stable and found them in excellent condition, the sanitary department was A. No. 1. From the stable we made an examination of the pump room where the principal pumps were at work. Said pumps were operated by electrical power and were in charge of an electrician. The pumps are in constant operation night and day and they were evidently in good condition. The pump system of this mine I consider very perfect.
We then passed to the south side of the mine and examined the 16th and 20th entries for several hundred feet and found them in good condition, well watered, quite moist, and no dust. We also examined the many places of the old workings where they had been walled off. At those places we found good wall stoppings placed in the entries and the entries satisfactory and in accordance with the law. All hauling roads were in splendid condition, clean and free from rubbish, well watered and free from dust.
Fireman’s report shows that there is no standing gas.
Air measurements are as follows: Intake, 122,100 cubic feet per minute; Upcast, 123,400 cubic feet per minute; Revolutions of fan, 90 per minute. Number of miners employed, 275.
The air in this mine, I find, is distributed with equity in each entry and working places, and in uniform quantities to comply with the law.
A train of cars numbering fifteen has been constructed especially for the man trip with wire cable, so arranged as to attach same to the hoist cable and thence running back to the rear car on man trip making a safe coupling at rear which complies with the law in its strictest form.
The mine shows evidence of strict and careful management.
(Signed) A. E. Bradbury,
State Inspector of Coal Mines.
District No. One.
On June 30th at 12:10 P. M. at Altamont, a station on the Union Pacific Railway, I received my first information by telegram from Edward Brooks, Sup’t. of No. One Mine at Hanna, saying that there was a mine explosion at Hanna and to come immediately. I left Evanston July 1st, 11:30 A.M. on train No. 2 Limited and arrived at Hanna 12:30 P.M. and immediately went to the mine; examined the fan hoisting machinery, made note of the surrounding conditions as they existed. I examined the mouth of the main slope and manway I found that they were filled with debris, consisting of rock, timber and dirt, which was deposited in thickness from five to fifteen feet in slope, one hundred and fifty feet long, similar in manway. Sup’t Park of the Union Pacific Railway Co. had a large force of men working, clearing up the debris.
At that time I met Assistant Sup’t. Black and Sup’t Brooks of mine No. 1; had a brief and hasty consultation as to the best and most convenient arrangement we could make on top to receive bodies from the mine. Preparations were immediately made and every available man was put to work to prepare a place for bodies when brought to the surface. Every detail of this kind was looked after by the most competent men.
Sup’t Black, Thos. Sneddon, Special Mine Deputy, and myself went into the mine. We entered at main slope and went as far as the 7th entry, climbing over large caves of rock, timber, coal and dirt from ten to thirty feet in height and from seventy-five to two hundred feet in length. Several of these caves were encountered from mouth of slope to 7th entry. Men were at work on these different caves moving the debris and smoothing it down to make a passable roadway as best they could so that the rescuing party could bring out the bodies as soon as found. We made an examination of the mouth of each entry, found some of them to be filling up with gas of an explosive mixture (Carburated Hydrogen). All naked lights were taken out of the mine and the safety lamp was introduced and all work was retarded by this movement to quite an extent, but it was the only way the work could be done to insure safety for future work.
It was thought at this date that the bodies could be recovered in a very few days, but all hope had been given up that any one was alive in the mine. We went to the top and there we met General Manager D. O. Clark and Sup’t Brooks. All matters of important detail for immediate relief were talked over, Mr. Clark ordering caskets and a great number of suits of clothing. The arrangement was made in such a manner that all of the bodies were to be washed and dressed before placing in the casket. During this time Sup’t Brooks had three eight-hour shifts organized to work night and day removing debris on slope. Each shift contained from seventy-five to one hundred men. A good current of air was in circulation in the main slope but the entries down to the 16th were all giving off carburated hydrogen gas or carbonic acid gas. Men were detailed to put in new rock stoppings and make all necessary repairs to keep main slope clear and to improve the air current in all parts of the mine as fast as possible. On July 2nd I visited the 16th entry with Sup’t Brooks, Morgan, Griffith, Special Deputy Thos. Sneddon, Gomer Thomas, Mine Inspector of Utah, P. J. Quealey, Ex-mine Inspector of Wyoming and others. Our progress was slow as the entry was badly wrecked at entrance and filled with gas. We erected brattices, removed the gas gradually and explored the entry. We found coal, rock, and timbers piled up in every imaginable shape. A continued line of brattices was put up to clear out the gas to manway. At this point we found a mule covered up in a mass of debris consisting of pit cars, timber, coal, and dirt. The force of the explosion was violent as the pit cars were blown into splinters and were twisted in all kinds of shapes. Further on in No. 1 room one man was found forty feet up from the entry. About one hundred feet more another man was found at the side of a loaded pit car. We continued on through upper cross cut and made an examination as far as the 23rd room, returning by entry. We found that the explosion had exhibited great force all through the entry and to the face of the rooms. The 1st, 6th, 7th, and 11th seemed to have more flame of fire than some of the others as the timbers were burnt and the brattice cloth was also burnt to crisp and the men found were also singed. This part of the mine was badly wrecked and great caves of timber were down in nearly every room. At 7th room and 11th room the explosion showed that it divided and went both ways.
I also, on the same day, visited the north side of the mine with General Manager D. O. Clark and Sup’t Brooks. We entered at the north shaft by wooden stairs. At the bottom we found six live mules. Sup’t Brooks immediately arranged to have them hoisted out of the shaft by block and tackle. We then proceeded down the plane and got nearly to the 17th. Found one dead mule at this point. The smoke was so dense and it was so hot from the fire below that we were obliged to retreat to the 13th and returned to the main slope. In the meantime we ascertained that the explosion had not been violent at that end of the mine. Several men lost their lives in this part of the mine from after damp. After coming out of the mine I examined the report book of the fire bosses and found that their last report stated that the mine was clear of gas. The following morning on the day of the explosion no report was made. This would indicate that the mine was clear, as the Fire Bosses and Foreman went back into the mine after this examination and it would seem that they considered it perfectly safe. I made an examination of several of the miners who made an escape by the north shaft; but their evidence did not give any satisfaction as they only seemed to know that something had happened and came out. They did not know whether they left any one in the mine or not. One man testified that he came over the top of one man at the 17th parting. The testimony was so varied and opposite that I made no particular note of it.
On this same day the fire on the 17th entry had been walled off for the purpose of smothering it down and cooling it off until such time as it would be thought proper to open it up with the expectation of putting it out. Cleaning of the slope continued until the 7th day when the work was finished so that pit cars could be lowered in the slope to the 16th and 17th entries. From this date work was pushed by Sup’t Brooks in a most vigorous manner. And additional forces of men were put to work putting up brattices, building new wall up and down the main slope and repairing such as could be repaired. Every effort was made to expediate the time. Every man was anxious to finish the work of extinguishing the fire so that entrance could be made to the lower entries, 18th, 20th, 22nd, 24th, and 26th, and north part of the mine, so that the unfortunate dead could be brought to the surface. It was at this time unsafe to go below the 16th entry as the mine was full of gas below this point.
The work on the 7th day commenced again on the 17th entry to open up to the fire with the hope to put it out. The brattice work was made more complete Great chances of losing life and property were taken in performing this service. After this work was completed, and effort was made by thirty of the very best men that could be selected by Sup’t Brooks, who took charge of them. The brattice cloth was prepared and the grand rush was made to corner the smoke and make it take the upcast. The effort at this time proved a failure, as the smoke rolled out of the 17th back haulway so black and hot that we all were obliged to retreat. The men all fell back for fresh air and took about thirty minutes to recover and gain strength. Sup’t Brooks showed indomitable energy and his courageous followers formed another solid line. The word was given to start for the fire, expecting to close up the entry or haul road which led to the fire, but the smoke and damp connected with extreme heat compelled the fire fighters to again retreat. This trial demonstrated the fact that much more work was necessary to be done before the fire could be reached.
Necessity compelled the walling off of the fire in another manner to make it possible to ever reach the fire in the future, without taking great chance to bring about a second explosion. Work was then commenced to make more important repairs. During this short vacation I was visiting the different places in the mine where other work was being done. On date of the 12th sufficient repairs had been made so that another attempt was made to place a stopping in front of the fire to wall it off secure. At this time the men succeeded in getting two important stoppings in and the 3rd stopping was about completed, when the fire from the inside commenced to heave and breathe and the pressure became so great against the stopping that it pushed it back sufficiently to make a vent for the black damp and smoke to press through the stopping with such a force as to knock down several of the men who were at work in front of it. Every light was extinguished that was within fifty feet of the face, the men being in total darkness.
As a precaution the men in the heat came slowly up and lead those who were in darkness out to the slope. The damp and smoke followed up so rapidly and made the entry so unpleasant that we all retreated for the time being. Sup’t Brooks then ordered a new stopping to be built at once, also one at 15 entry. This affair proved to give us quite a setback, as it became necessary to build extra stoppings on the main slope. The stopping doors on the main slope between the upcast were ordered thrown open to relieve the pressure and destroy the chances of an explosion. From this time preliminary work was done in the way of repairing stoppings with continued vigor, until the morning of the 15th, when we took thirty-eight men into the 15th commencing with nose brattice from the main slope and continuing it to the face of the stopping, where the principal trouble laid and the fire was again raging in front. After a hard struggle or fight, damp and smoke were conquered and a good stopping was erected, both secure and safe, so that we could proceed to the fire from a main slope point. On the morning of the 16th work again commenced. We proceeded to the 16th and 17th entries to a point where the electric pump and stable were located. Brattice was put up for the entire distance, which the air followed regularly and the door was opened to the main return to receive the intake, which it was thought it would do, but in one single moment all theory was set at naught, for the air immediately reversed and came back, bringing smoke and damp, so that all of the men in front were forced to retreat and they all fell back up the main slope. We knocked out a cross cut between the downcast of the main slope and the upcast; placed a nose brattice in cross cut which went into the returns which conducted the air in the meantime to the men who were working in 17th haul entry. Work at this time was so conditioned that the men proceeded down the intake until they reached the pump room, which we found black with smoke and damp. At about three o’clock in the afternoon, the men had conquered the damp and smoke by erecting stopping in entry leading to the stables. The entrance was made so far as the pump house. On gaining this point Sup’t Brooks made an immediate order to examine the pumps and the stable was again walled off, leaving stoppings all tight and in good order. On the 22nd day I made a visit with Sneddon, Morgan, Griffith and Thomas to the 17th haul entry and examined the stoppings and found them cool and all O. K. Watchmen were on duty at this stopping night and day to give alarm in case it became necessary.
I made continued visits to the 16th entry. The work was progressing slowly on account of the enormous caves, in fact with fifty men working it could hardly be noticed that any headway was bring made. Gas was generating most of the time in this 16th entry and three shifts of gas watchmen were employed night and day to keep entries and rooms on the 18th entry and rooms had become filled from top to bottom with explosive gas. Work was commenced immediately to move the gas but it was extremely obstinate and the process was exceedingly slow. As we advanced three more bodies were found, one on the main slope and two in the rooms. Work continued in this entry, the rescuing party having much to contend with in opening up the entry. I again visited the mine on the morning of the 21st, remaining in the mine until night and examined the 16th entry, finding the work progressing well and entry clear of gas. I visited the 25th room on the 16th entry; found at that point a great cave, which had fallen in the past twenty-four hours. It was sixty feet long and fifteen feet high.A trip of pit cars was buried under it. The work of timbering was exceedingly dangerous.
I was this day with Sup’t Brooks and his assistant foreman and crew of men assisting in putting up brattices between 18th and 20th in main slope. I also examined the main slope at this point and the manway from the 16th to the 18th, and noticed that the force of the explosion knocked the empty trip into splinters and drove the pit cars and mule attached down the manway about fifteen to twenty feet. The boys were found at the edge of the manway. The force of this explosion was so great that it completely disrobed the boys of every stitch of clothing and left them in a complete nude state. The loaded trip of cars on main slope was upset and uncoupled. One half of the trip broke away and was down the slope sixty feet. The man rope runner was found thirty feet below the ten cars which had broken away. All of these signs indicated that the force came down the hill from the start. The explosion followed down the main slope to the 22nd. This is as far as we could go at this time on account of water.
The morning of the 24th exploring commenced on entry 20, the party being in charge was Sup’t Brooks, Sup’t Geo. Black, Wm. Armstrong, Gomer Thomas, Morgan, Griffith, Thos. Sneddon, and myself. In the back entry opposite the 25th room we found twenty-one men who were recognized as miners who worked at the extreme end of the entry. Every indication showed that they had traveled from the extreme inside of this 25th room after the explosion; it also indicated that the explosion did not have much force at the working places of these men.
The 18th and 20th entries on this date gave much trouble in the way of caves and gas generating in such quantities that men were obliged to leave their work, so that little was accomplished for several days. On the 26th and 27th I was absent from the mine. On the 28th I visited the mine with Inspector John McNeal of Colorado; we put in the entire day in the 20th entry. Gas was in abundance and a good strong gang of men were at the front, with Sup’t Brooks in charge, Wm. Armstrong, Inspector Thomas, Mr. McNeal and myself. We succeeded in removing the entire body of gas at 3:20 P. M. At this time we were relieved by three o’clock shift, which came in and inspected the back entry from face to main slope. The explosion showed great force at different places, but at some places no sign of the explosion whatever. The following day twenty feet from the gas, two kegs of black powder were found; the kegs were badly bruised, but the powder did not explode.
Some signs of fire were visible in this part of the mine, as the cars were burnt; at other places no signs of heat or flame whatever. Room 41 had a peculiar sign, it being thus: where two men were at work they left their shovel in the coal and left their place and made their way to 25th room. The car where the shovel was found and the room which the men left was completely wrecked by the force of the explosion, the car being in pieces. Sup’t Black, Morgan, Griffith, Brooks, Thomas and Sneddon all were witnesses of the above statement.
On the 29th I went through the mine, visiting the 16th, 18th, and 20th entries:-very little advance was made that day. Everything done was detailed work to make the mine safe. On the 30th I visited the mine with Gomer Thomas, State Inspector of Coal Mines in Utah. On the 31st, work was again advanced toward the fire on the 17th entry. August 1st preliminary work in preparing to open the fire on 17th entry was continued. I made all examinations of the mine in company with Gomer Thomas. We made air measurements in entry 16, 18 and 20, the 18 and 20th entries being measured in company with Sup’t Brooks. The aid measurements were quite small. The fan was kept down to a slow pace on account of the fire, which was in the 16th, 17th, and 18th entries. The aid measurements showed only 31,258 cu.ft. per minute intake and 32,310 upcast.
On August 1st, 16th entry received several caves in No. 1 room and No. 12 room. Caves at No. 25 room were heavy and to such an extent that gas generated and a small fire broke out. It was deemed necessary to wall the entry off at this point for the protection of the mine, so that work was temporarily abandoned on the 16th entry. On August 6th all vestige of fire about the pump house was obliterated. The fact of the pump and back cross cut had been successfully walled off giving free access to the pump room. Double brattice had been placed in the back entry, giving free access to the reservoir and pump rooms. The great difficulty had been accomplished, namely access to all of the machinery. Immediately work commenced to put the pumps in working order. It was expected that the electric pump could be at work in twenty-four hours, but on examining the wires, it was found that they had been disconnected by the explosion, so the Coal Company was obliged to be satisfied with one steam pump, which made the progress slow. During this time from date of explosion, the mine had been filling up all of the lower entries with water. No exploring had been done past the 20th entry, but the pumps were at work gradually diminishing the water little by little. I again visited the mine in October on the 21st, 22nd, and 23rd. There was a great quantity of water in the lower entries of the mine, and quite a number of bodies not yet recovered, which were supposed to be in entries 22 and 26. I again visited the mine in November on the 14th, 15th, and 16th. I was accompanied by John McNeal, Ex-State Mine Inspector of Colorado, Sup’t Brooks, and Thomas Sneddon. Examination was made of the mine and note taken of the progress that was being made from time to time since the explosion of June 30th, 1903. A thorough examination of the mine was made, which shows in my report of that date. Pumps were working night and day, but the progress was slow. A great quantity of water was constantly running into the mine from the different springs which were tributary to the mine.
I made another visit to the mine on December 3rd, 1903, being in company with John McNeal, Ex-Inspector of Colorado and Sup’t Brooks. At this time I was notified by Sup’t Brooks that they had the water pumped out sufficiently to explore the 24th and 26th entries, and the continued main slope on the east side. In this venture we were also accompanied by a rescuing party, consisting of six or eight expert gas men. Great quantities of gas were encountered, it taking all day to make three hundred feet. Seven men were found this day on the east side of the main slope. The following day the gas was all removed to face of 26th entry. Two men were found at the face of this entry, John Battle, the foreman of the mine and Mr. Massey, fire boss of the mine. One more man was still left in the mine, by the name of John Cox, who was one of the fire bosses, who examined the mine June 30th, 1903. Diligent search has been made to find the body of John Cox up to this present date.
On March 21st, 1904, I made another visit to the Hanna Mine. I was accompanied by Mr. Wm. Ray, Assistant Superintendent and Joseph Burton, Foreman. I made an examination of the entire mine, every part being inspected, old work and new, all class of stopping and every entry, room, and air course. Air measurements were taken and examination for gas was made in every possible corner where it could be possible for it to exist. No gas was found and the report book shows that no gas has been detected for the past two months. A new system of water supply has been inaugurated in the mine in accordance to Company advice. Every entry has a pipe system placed in it, commencing from the main slope and running the entire distance to face of each entry. This pipe system extends at intervals of every six rooms to such a distance as may be required, so that the hose may be attached to it suitable to water every room in each entry to the face. This work I found to be thoroughly executed by a person employed to attend to this particular duty and to examine all drill holes made by the miners and to see that they were all drilled a proper distance to avoid any accidents by careless shot fired.
The measurements were good. The intake has been increased from 31,258 cu. Ft. per minute to 92,714; upcast 93,802.
I have since the day of the explosion, up to the date of my last visit to the Hanna mine No. 1, the property of the Union Pacific Coal Company, located at Hanna, Carbon County, Wyoming, given much time in going over my notes in order to give a brief, correct, and accurate decision to what was the actual cause of the explosion, or what brought it about, and at what particular place in the mine it originated to the best of my ability.
I am conscientious when I say that in my best judgment the explosion started in the 16th entry in the vicinity of rooms No. 1, to No. 11. No. 11 room was least disturbed, but showed signs of fire passing through it. These rooms were repeatedly examined for three consecutive days, hoping to discover some signs that would give an opportunity to be accurate in a decision. I found no particular spot in any one of these rooms that I could feel positive in anything that I had found the identical place. The rooms gave evidence of quite a quantity of dust, which certainly gives great assistance for fire and flame. In the 16th entry the force of the explosion was violent all through this entry, as the timbers and brattice was blown in every direction. The concussion was so great in nearly all of the rooms that the very solid materials were torn from their foundations, causing great caves from one end of the entry to the other. Pit cars were blown into splinters, the force of the explosion from this point went down the hill moving everything that was loose with it. Some considerable part of the force crossed the main slope at the mouth of the 16th entry and passed through the 17th rock haul to the north part of the mine, also passing into the pump room and stable a little lower down on the slope.
I am of the opinion that it originated in the 16th entry between the points above stated, but I have not been able to discover any place or spot that I could truthfully say at what particular point the explosion originated, or the exact course which brought it about. The explosion might have occurred from an accumulation of a small quantity of gas being ignited by an open lamp. It also might have occurred from some miner who was filling his cartridge and ignited his powder by his open lamp. It is also quite probable that the explosion occurred from a series of rapid shot firing from the solid and the several concussions created a fog of dust and this being followed up by a blown out shot coming in contact with dust would create an explosion. The gas or powder which I have mentioned would have the same effect with the dust, yet the actual cause is a mystery and probably will remain so.
The Coroner’s Inquest, which is on file in the County Clerk’s office at Rawlins reads as follows:-
Inquest Report.
That they are those of the persons whose names are listed and subjoined, we do further say that they met their death at Hanna, Carbon County, Wyoming, in Hanna Mine No. 1, of the Union Pacific Coal Company, at about 10:30 o’clock in the forenoon of June 30th, 1903, that some of them were suffocated by the after damp the consequence of an explosion which occurred at the time before mentioned; that the remainder were killed by the explosion which was caused as nearly as we can ascertain by igniting, in some manner unknown to the jury, or gas and other combustibles.
(Signed) Joseph Widdowfield,
Wm. Davis,
Jonathan Veitch.
The evidence of fifteen witnesses who were examined by the jury is also on file in the County Clerk’s office at Rawlins.
Herewith I append the names of all persons who lost their lives in the explosion of Hanna Mine No. 1 owned by the Union Pacific Coal Company.
List of men killed in mine June 30th, 1903
Check Name Date Found Where found (entry) Room.
232 Theodore Schill 3 3 Between 5 & 7 on manway
11 Gus Westerland 7 17 16
25 Sam Mudspeth 7 18 16 1
288 Harry Leakela 7 20 16 Bet. 14 & 15
34 Jac Mikkila 7 18 16 29
40 John Rysbert 8 21 16 11
67 A. Heiskamen 8 22 16 in cross cut
67 G. H. Heiskanen 8 22 16
77 Dan Luoma 7 30 16 29
32 Chas. Somerill 8 21 16
139 John Takia 7 30 16 29
142 John Hopnack 8 22 16
159 John Runnola 7 18 16 11
164 John Hokka 8 21 16
176 Mat Nissila 8 21 16
130 Simon Ojala 7 19 16 17
184 Henry Talkanan 8 22 16
167 Herman Talkamen 8 29 16
217 Gabe Maki 7 18 16 7
233 John Huhta 8 21 16 in cross cut
235 Lauri A. Saari 7 30 16 29
268 Y. Hamkimo 7 16 16 Bet. 6 & 7
1 Henry Ojua 8 8 17 dip
2 Eric Longy 8 8 17 dip
5 Chas. Kertilla 8 8 17 dip
9 John Ashblund 8 8 17 dip
23 Herman Renko 8 8 17 dip
58 Alex Keimo 8 8 17 dip
59 Abe Neimo 8 8 17 dip
63 John Tempet 8 8 17 dip
72 August Longi 8 8 17 dip
79 John H. Hill 8 8 17 dip
86 Isaac S. Maki 8 8 17 dip
89 Alfred Hapgood 8 8 17 dip
92 August Maki 8 8 17 dip
100 S. Pouti 8 8 17 dip
125 Mat Hako 8 8 17 dip
137 Sac Lakko 8 8 17 dip
149 M. M. Louna 8 8 17 dip
151 Henry Glaat 8 8 17 dip
177 August K. Matson 8 8 17 dip
181 Wm. Sakrison 8 8 17 dip
190 Nels Waktala 8 8 17 dip
195 Sak Kacobson 8 8 17 dip
205 Jim Delmonico 8 8 17 dip
213 Jos. Sheffield 8 8 17 dip
237 Henry Kenkamper 8 8 17 dip
258 Alf Maki 8 8 17 dip
3 D. Massaro 7 22 15 21
8 Samuel Michelson 11 7 18 20
18 Andrew Luoma 9 30 18 19
41 Ilmer Matson 8 18
44 Chas Pelto 8 18 18
56 E. Petracco 8 18 18
86 Andrew Matson 8 18 18
70 Thos. Weathers 8 18 18
80 Mark Miller 8 18 18
81 Fred Wilkins 9 5 18 23
99 John Passi 8 18 18
112 Geo. Hooper 7 24 18 23
135 Alu Heitala 8 18 18
175 Andrew I. Koski 8 18 18
179 John Mertilla 8 18
136 Eric Luoma 10 2 18 19
183 J. H. Swanson 10 18 18 20
208 Alf. Holm 8 18 18
224 Wm. William 8 18 18
239 Samuel Aysto 8 18 18
246 Wm. Rassia 8 18 18
286 A. U. Zalla 8 18 18
24 Mat A. Longi 7 24 20 back
30 John Lundberg 7 24 20 back
35 Carl Ruski 8 24 20 back
46 John Lassali 7 24 20 back
49 Robert Clarkson 11 30 20 25
55 John Honks 7 24 20 back
83 Thos. Lanty 7 24 20 14
91 John Blumstrom 7 24 20 back
95 John Pelto 7 24 20 back
107 Robert Tinsley 7 23 16
120 Henry Wilmunsen 7 24 20 back
124 Andrew Tikka 8 24 20 back
132 Samuel Kaeria 7 24 20 back
134 Andrew Longi 10 22 22
146 Nic Laamanen 7 24 20 17
147 Alec Nikkola 7 27 20 near 32
148 Sakry Wilmunen 7 24 20 back
156 Henry Lindi 7 23 20 14
160 Files Niclelson 7 24 20 17
167 Otto Hullanda 7 24 20 back
174 Mat Lundbert, Sr. 7 24 20 back
183 S. H. Klassen 11 30 20 36
192 John Clarkson 11 28 20 25
194 C. Dandry 10 22 22 18
218 James Watson 7 23 20 13
221 Mat. Lundberg, Jr. 7 24 20 back
231 Andrew Williams 7 24 20
236 Mat Tukola 10 8 20 cross cut 26 to 27
238 Nic Sorvista 7 24 20
240 S. Tukola 10 28 20 26
247 John Malberg 7 23 20 18
279 Mat Malbert 7 27 20 18
353 Uriah Davis 7 23 20 13
253 H. Rankinen 7 24 20 back
250 Nick Thidz 12 4 20 26
264 Cla Tinnley 7 23 20 16
271 Jad Nanti 7 24 20 back
272 Oscar Kukkola 7 27 20 near 32
279 Alf Niomo 7 24 20 back
280 Mike Nukkola 7 27 20 near 32
281 Gus Linden 7 27 20 near 32
16 William Austin 10 22 22 29
37 Mike Arthurs 10 22 22 15
94 Phippip Marzon 10 22 22 17
109 Henry Sanders 10 22 22 13
117 A. McDonald 10 30 22 13
130 Mat Longi 10 23 22 cross cut at face
131 James Thomas 10 23 22 cross cut at face back
144 Robert Munley 11 22 22 14
166 Chas. Niemo 10 23 22 30
170 Jesse McDonals 10 22 22 13
189 W. O. Williams 10 23 22 28
196 Richard Bain 10 23 2 back at face
203 W. L. Smith 10 22 22 16
211 Nic Massaro 10 21 22 16
219 Desha Austin 10 22 22 28
285 P. Di Cesare 10 21 22 cross 17 & 18
6 John Rait 12 3 28 outside 5th cross cut 28
7 C. Ciarallo 12 2 28 inside 5th cross cut 28E
31 John R. Cox 12 2 28 outside 5th cross cut
153 John Eelearto 12 12 28 inside 5th cross cut 28
43 Ed. Love 10 23 22 29
52 A. E. Newsome 12 3 slope 8th cross cut from basin
216 Ben Miller 12 4 slope 8th cross cut from basin
342 Wm. Hall 12 3 “ “
376 James Denny 12 4 “ “
254 Wm. Pulkamen 10 23 22 30
John Norconen 12 16 15 dip near 17 over cast
Joe Julio 12 4 slope 8th cross cut from basin face
John Bettue 12 8 26 back
Pete Kowley 10 20 22 Parting inside manway
John H. Cox not found – supposed to be buried in cave.
James Massey 12 6 26 back face
Geo. McKenne 12 3 slope 26 back
Axel Matson 12 13 17 Bet. 2 & 3 rooms
John A. Saari 7 1 slope at 7 entry
John Boney 6 30 11 plane
John D. Jones 7 1 slope at 7 entry
Rudolph Salo 7 12 16 1
Ed Brown 7 20 16 opposite 25
Jac Niemststc 8 8 17 dip
Mat Jarvals 8 7 17 parting
Oscar Jacobson 8 8 17 dip at edge on rock
James Smith 8 8 17 dip out edge
James While, Sr., 8 8 17 dip out edge
Job While 8 8 17 dip out edge
Thomas Davis 8 8 17 dip out edge
Axel Cittila 8 8 17 dip out edge
Mike Sporro 8 21 Bet. 18 & 20 on slope
John B. Matson 8 21 18 parting
Martin Mickelson 7 21 18 parting
Fave D. Jones, Sr. 7 21 18 parting
Gust Malberg 7 27 20 near 32
Ole Jacobson 7 24 20 back
Henry Reese 7 24 20 back
James Hayes 7 24 20 back
James While, Jr. 7 23 20
Felix McKenna 7 16 Pump room
John Battle, Foreman 26
H. Masse, Fire boss 26
John Cox, Fire boss Not found. Still in mine.
I have to all appearances, given you a long and lengthy detail of the proceedings of what has occurred in the Hanna Mine No. 1, in the past ten months, but I can assure you that I have been exceedingly brief. And I desire to say that every effort has been made by the management of the Union Pacific Coal Company and that they have spared no pains whatever to do all in their power to recover the last man who lost his life in the explosion of June 30th, at 10:15 A. M., 1903. I make this statement knowing it be a fact as I was a constant visitor to the mine for thirty-two days out of the first forty days after the explosion. I have also been a constant visitor on duty and know of the many difficulties there were to contend with in reconstructing this mine and the great danger there was in performing the duties necessary to recover all of the persons but one who lost their lives in the mine, and the perfect work that was done by Sup’t Brooks during this ten months; otherwise the entire proposition might have terminated in a failure.
I do not hesitate to say that in the future all mine operators should observe the mining laws strictly and use all precautions they possibly can in regulation shot firing in dusty or gaseous mines and if possible, to introduce some other kind of explosives than black powder. This is a subject to which I shall devote more time and advice with the operators and Superintendent, as to the advisability of adopting more stringent rules in their mines to avoid accidents.
Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
(signed)A. E. Bradbury,
State Ins. Coal Mines,
District No. 1.
Cheyenne, Wyo., June 1st, 1904.
To His Excellency,
Fenimore Chatterton,
Governor of the State of Wyoming.
Sir: -
I have the honor to submit to you my report of the mine explosion which occurred at Hanna, Carbon County, Wyoming on June 30th, at 10:15 A. M., 1903, in the property of the Union Pacific Coal Co.
This report has been delayed until this late date for the reason that there were so many complications connected with the disaster and the great damage done to the mine, the long and tedious efforts made by the Coal Company exploring the mine for persons who lost their lives, the slow and tedious difficulties of recovering them, the many unfortunate obstacles to contend with in repairing and reconstructing the mine, so that the last body might be found and brought to the surface, which has only been accomplished at a very recent date so that a satisfactory inspection could be made. No previous report prior to this date, could have gathered the same correctness as the one I now present to you.
My first examination of the Union Pacific Coal Company Mine No. One, located at Hanna, Carbon County, Wyoming, was made on the 4th day of May, 1903. Herewith I append you a copy of my report as made on that date:-
On May 4th, 1903, I made my first examination of the Union Pacific Coal Company mine located at Hanna, Wyoming.
I was accompanied by Mr. John Battle, Foreman of the Mines, and Mr. Lanky, Fireman. We entered the shaft located on the north side of the main slope. Examined the shaft entrance and found the same in good condition from top to bottom of the shaft. We then traveled the incline to the 9th entry. The entire distance was moist and in excellent condition. From that point we examined the 9th entry and visited the rooms at the faces. A good strong current of air was in circulation, same conditions existed at the cross cuts. We also went to the face of the 9th entry and the ventilation at that point was good. On our return we followed the plane down to the adjoining entry, passing out to the manway. We also visited the horse and mule stable and found them in excellent condition, the sanitary department was A. No. 1. From the stable we made an examination of the pump room where the principal pumps were at work. Said pumps were operated by electrical power and were in charge of an electrician. The pumps are in constant operation night and day and they were evidently in good condition. The pump system of this mine I consider very perfect.
We then passed to the south side of the mine and examined the 16th and 20th entries for several hundred feet and found them in good condition, well watered, quite moist, and no dust. We also examined the many places of the old workings where they had been walled off. At those places we found good wall stoppings placed in the entries and the entries satisfactory and in accordance with the law. All hauling roads were in splendid condition, clean and free from rubbish, well watered and free from dust.
Fireman’s report shows that there is no standing gas.
Air measurements are as follows: Intake, 122,100 cubic feet per minute; Upcast, 123,400 cubic feet per minute; Revolutions of fan, 90 per minute. Number of miners employed, 275.
The air in this mine, I find, is distributed with equity in each entry and working places, and in uniform quantities to comply with the law.
A train of cars numbering fifteen has been constructed especially for the man trip with wire cable, so arranged as to attach same to the hoist cable and thence running back to the rear car on man trip making a safe coupling at rear which complies with the law in its strictest form.
The mine shows evidence of strict and careful management.
(Signed) A. E. Bradbury,
State Inspector of Coal Mines.
District No. One.
On June 30th at 12:10 P. M. at Altamont, a station on the Union Pacific Railway, I received my first information by telegram from Edward Brooks, Sup’t. of No. One Mine at Hanna, saying that there was a mine explosion at Hanna and to come immediately. I left Evanston July 1st, 11:30 A.M. on train No. 2 Limited and arrived at Hanna 12:30 P.M. and immediately went to the mine; examined the fan hoisting machinery, made note of the surrounding conditions as they existed. I examined the mouth of the main slope and manway I found that they were filled with debris, consisting of rock, timber and dirt, which was deposited in thickness from five to fifteen feet in slope, one hundred and fifty feet long, similar in manway. Sup’t Park of the Union Pacific Railway Co. had a large force of men working, clearing up the debris.
At that time I met Assistant Sup’t. Black and Sup’t Brooks of mine No. 1; had a brief and hasty consultation as to the best and most convenient arrangement we could make on top to receive bodies from the mine. Preparations were immediately made and every available man was put to work to prepare a place for bodies when brought to the surface. Every detail of this kind was looked after by the most competent men.
Sup’t Black, Thos. Sneddon, Special Mine Deputy, and myself went into the mine. We entered at main slope and went as far as the 7th entry, climbing over large caves of rock, timber, coal and dirt from ten to thirty feet in height and from seventy-five to two hundred feet in length. Several of these caves were encountered from mouth of slope to 7th entry. Men were at work on these different caves moving the debris and smoothing it down to make a passable roadway as best they could so that the rescuing party could bring out the bodies as soon as found. We made an examination of the mouth of each entry, found some of them to be filling up with gas of an explosive mixture (Carburated Hydrogen). All naked lights were taken out of the mine and the safety lamp was introduced and all work was retarded by this movement to quite an extent, but it was the only way the work could be done to insure safety for future work.
It was thought at this date that the bodies could be recovered in a very few days, but all hope had been given up that any one was alive in the mine. We went to the top and there we met General Manager D. O. Clark and Sup’t Brooks. All matters of important detail for immediate relief were talked over, Mr. Clark ordering caskets and a great number of suits of clothing. The arrangement was made in such a manner that all of the bodies were to be washed and dressed before placing in the casket. During this time Sup’t Brooks had three eight-hour shifts organized to work night and day removing debris on slope. Each shift contained from seventy-five to one hundred men. A good current of air was in circulation in the main slope but the entries down to the 16th were all giving off carburated hydrogen gas or carbonic acid gas. Men were detailed to put in new rock stoppings and make all necessary repairs to keep main slope clear and to improve the air current in all parts of the mine as fast as possible. On July 2nd I visited the 16th entry with Sup’t Brooks, Morgan, Griffith, Special Deputy Thos. Sneddon, Gomer Thomas, Mine Inspector of Utah, P. J. Quealey, Ex-mine Inspector of Wyoming and others. Our progress was slow as the entry was badly wrecked at entrance and filled with gas. We erected brattices, removed the gas gradually and explored the entry. We found coal, rock, and timbers piled up in every imaginable shape. A continued line of brattices was put up to clear out the gas to manway. At this point we found a mule covered up in a mass of debris consisting of pit cars, timber, coal, and dirt. The force of the explosion was violent as the pit cars were blown into splinters and were twisted in all kinds of shapes. Further on in No. 1 room one man was found forty feet up from the entry. About one hundred feet more another man was found at the side of a loaded pit car. We continued on through upper cross cut and made an examination as far as the 23rd room, returning by entry. We found that the explosion had exhibited great force all through the entry and to the face of the rooms. The 1st, 6th, 7th, and 11th seemed to have more flame of fire than some of the others as the timbers were burnt and the brattice cloth was also burnt to crisp and the men found were also singed. This part of the mine was badly wrecked and great caves of timber were down in nearly every room. At 7th room and 11th room the explosion showed that it divided and went both ways.
I also, on the same day, visited the north side of the mine with General Manager D. O. Clark and Sup’t Brooks. We entered at the north shaft by wooden stairs. At the bottom we found six live mules. Sup’t Brooks immediately arranged to have them hoisted out of the shaft by block and tackle. We then proceeded down the plane and got nearly to the 17th. Found one dead mule at this point. The smoke was so dense and it was so hot from the fire below that we were obliged to retreat to the 13th and returned to the main slope. In the meantime we ascertained that the explosion had not been violent at that end of the mine. Several men lost their lives in this part of the mine from after damp. After coming out of the mine I examined the report book of the fire bosses and found that their last report stated that the mine was clear of gas. The following morning on the day of the explosion no report was made. This would indicate that the mine was clear, as the Fire Bosses and Foreman went back into the mine after this examination and it would seem that they considered it perfectly safe. I made an examination of several of the miners who made an escape by the north shaft; but their evidence did not give any satisfaction as they only seemed to know that something had happened and came out. They did not know whether they left any one in the mine or not. One man testified that he came over the top of one man at the 17th parting. The testimony was so varied and opposite that I made no particular note of it.
On this same day the fire on the 17th entry had been walled off for the purpose of smothering it down and cooling it off until such time as it would be thought proper to open it up with the expectation of putting it out. Cleaning of the slope continued until the 7th day when the work was finished so that pit cars could be lowered in the slope to the 16th and 17th entries. From this date work was pushed by Sup’t Brooks in a most vigorous manner. And additional forces of men were put to work putting up brattices, building new wall up and down the main slope and repairing such as could be repaired. Every effort was made to expediate the time. Every man was anxious to finish the work of extinguishing the fire so that entrance could be made to the lower entries, 18th, 20th, 22nd, 24th, and 26th, and north part of the mine, so that the unfortunate dead could be brought to the surface. It was at this time unsafe to go below the 16th entry as the mine was full of gas below this point.
The work on the 7th day commenced again on the 17th entry to open up to the fire with the hope to put it out. The brattice work was made more complete Great chances of losing life and property were taken in performing this service. After this work was completed, and effort was made by thirty of the very best men that could be selected by Sup’t Brooks, who took charge of them. The brattice cloth was prepared and the grand rush was made to corner the smoke and make it take the upcast. The effort at this time proved a failure, as the smoke rolled out of the 17th back haulway so black and hot that we all were obliged to retreat. The men all fell back for fresh air and took about thirty minutes to recover and gain strength. Sup’t Brooks showed indomitable energy and his courageous followers formed another solid line. The word was given to start for the fire, expecting to close up the entry or haul road which led to the fire, but the smoke and damp connected with extreme heat compelled the fire fighters to again retreat. This trial demonstrated the fact that much more work was necessary to be done before the fire could be reached.
Necessity compelled the walling off of the fire in another manner to make it possible to ever reach the fire in the future, without taking great chance to bring about a second explosion. Work was then commenced to make more important repairs. During this short vacation I was visiting the different places in the mine where other work was being done. On date of the 12th sufficient repairs had been made so that another attempt was made to place a stopping in front of the fire to wall it off secure. At this time the men succeeded in getting two important stoppings in and the 3rd stopping was about completed, when the fire from the inside commenced to heave and breathe and the pressure became so great against the stopping that it pushed it back sufficiently to make a vent for the black damp and smoke to press through the stopping with such a force as to knock down several of the men who were at work in front of it. Every light was extinguished that was within fifty feet of the face, the men being in total darkness.
As a precaution the men in the heat came slowly up and lead those who were in darkness out to the slope. The damp and smoke followed up so rapidly and made the entry so unpleasant that we all retreated for the time being. Sup’t Brooks then ordered a new stopping to be built at once, also one at 15 entry. This affair proved to give us quite a setback, as it became necessary to build extra stoppings on the main slope. The stopping doors on the main slope between the upcast were ordered thrown open to relieve the pressure and destroy the chances of an explosion. From this time preliminary work was done in the way of repairing stoppings with continued vigor, until the morning of the 15th, when we took thirty-eight men into the 15th commencing with nose brattice from the main slope and continuing it to the face of the stopping, where the principal trouble laid and the fire was again raging in front. After a hard struggle or fight, damp and smoke were conquered and a good stopping was erected, both secure and safe, so that we could proceed to the fire from a main slope point. On the morning of the 16th work again commenced. We proceeded to the 16th and 17th entries to a point where the electric pump and stable were located. Brattice was put up for the entire distance, which the air followed regularly and the door was opened to the main return to receive the intake, which it was thought it would do, but in one single moment all theory was set at naught, for the air immediately reversed and came back, bringing smoke and damp, so that all of the men in front were forced to retreat and they all fell back up the main slope. We knocked out a cross cut between the downcast of the main slope and the upcast; placed a nose brattice in cross cut which went into the returns which conducted the air in the meantime to the men who were working in 17th haul entry. Work at this time was so conditioned that the men proceeded down the intake until they reached the pump room, which we found black with smoke and damp. At about three o’clock in the afternoon, the men had conquered the damp and smoke by erecting stopping in entry leading to the stables. The entrance was made so far as the pump house. On gaining this point Sup’t Brooks made an immediate order to examine the pumps and the stable was again walled off, leaving stoppings all tight and in good order. On the 22nd day I made a visit with Sneddon, Morgan, Griffith and Thomas to the 17th haul entry and examined the stoppings and found them cool and all O. K. Watchmen were on duty at this stopping night and day to give alarm in case it became necessary.
I made continued visits to the 16th entry. The work was progressing slowly on account of the enormous caves, in fact with fifty men working it could hardly be noticed that any headway was bring made. Gas was generating most of the time in this 16th entry and three shifts of gas watchmen were employed night and day to keep entries and rooms on the 18th entry and rooms had become filled from top to bottom with explosive gas. Work was commenced immediately to move the gas but it was extremely obstinate and the process was exceedingly slow. As we advanced three more bodies were found, one on the main slope and two in the rooms. Work continued in this entry, the rescuing party having much to contend with in opening up the entry. I again visited the mine on the morning of the 21st, remaining in the mine until night and examined the 16th entry, finding the work progressing well and entry clear of gas. I visited the 25th room on the 16th entry; found at that point a great cave, which had fallen in the past twenty-four hours. It was sixty feet long and fifteen feet high.A trip of pit cars was buried under it. The work of timbering was exceedingly dangerous.
I was this day with Sup’t Brooks and his assistant foreman and crew of men assisting in putting up brattices between 18th and 20th in main slope. I also examined the main slope at this point and the manway from the 16th to the 18th, and noticed that the force of the explosion knocked the empty trip into splinters and drove the pit cars and mule attached down the manway about fifteen to twenty feet. The boys were found at the edge of the manway. The force of this explosion was so great that it completely disrobed the boys of every stitch of clothing and left them in a complete nude state. The loaded trip of cars on main slope was upset and uncoupled. One half of the trip broke away and was down the slope sixty feet. The man rope runner was found thirty feet below the ten cars which had broken away. All of these signs indicated that the force came down the hill from the start. The explosion followed down the main slope to the 22nd. This is as far as we could go at this time on account of water.
The morning of the 24th exploring commenced on entry 20, the party being in charge was Sup’t Brooks, Sup’t Geo. Black, Wm. Armstrong, Gomer Thomas, Morgan, Griffith, Thos. Sneddon, and myself. In the back entry opposite the 25th room we found twenty-one men who were recognized as miners who worked at the extreme end of the entry. Every indication showed that they had traveled from the extreme inside of this 25th room after the explosion; it also indicated that the explosion did not have much force at the working places of these men.
The 18th and 20th entries on this date gave much trouble in the way of caves and gas generating in such quantities that men were obliged to leave their work, so that little was accomplished for several days. On the 26th and 27th I was absent from the mine. On the 28th I visited the mine with Inspector John McNeal of Colorado; we put in the entire day in the 20th entry. Gas was in abundance and a good strong gang of men were at the front, with Sup’t Brooks in charge, Wm. Armstrong, Inspector Thomas, Mr. McNeal and myself. We succeeded in removing the entire body of gas at 3:20 P. M. At this time we were relieved by three o’clock shift, which came in and inspected the back entry from face to main slope. The explosion showed great force at different places, but at some places no sign of the explosion whatever. The following day twenty feet from the gas, two kegs of black powder were found; the kegs were badly bruised, but the powder did not explode.
Some signs of fire were visible in this part of the mine, as the cars were burnt; at other places no signs of heat or flame whatever. Room 41 had a peculiar sign, it being thus: where two men were at work they left their shovel in the coal and left their place and made their way to 25th room. The car where the shovel was found and the room which the men left was completely wrecked by the force of the explosion, the car being in pieces. Sup’t Black, Morgan, Griffith, Brooks, Thomas and Sneddon all were witnesses of the above statement.
On the 29th I went through the mine, visiting the 16th, 18th, and 20th entries:-very little advance was made that day. Everything done was detailed work to make the mine safe. On the 30th I visited the mine with Gomer Thomas, State Inspector of Coal Mines in Utah. On the 31st, work was again advanced toward the fire on the 17th entry. August 1st preliminary work in preparing to open the fire on 17th entry was continued. I made all examinations of the mine in company with Gomer Thomas. We made air measurements in entry 16, 18 and 20, the 18 and 20th entries being measured in company with Sup’t Brooks. The aid measurements were quite small. The fan was kept down to a slow pace on account of the fire, which was in the 16th, 17th, and 18th entries. The aid measurements showed only 31,258 cu.ft. per minute intake and 32,310 upcast.
On August 1st, 16th entry received several caves in No. 1 room and No. 12 room. Caves at No. 25 room were heavy and to such an extent that gas generated and a small fire broke out. It was deemed necessary to wall the entry off at this point for the protection of the mine, so that work was temporarily abandoned on the 16th entry. On August 6th all vestige of fire about the pump house was obliterated. The fact of the pump and back cross cut had been successfully walled off giving free access to the pump room. Double brattice had been placed in the back entry, giving free access to the reservoir and pump rooms. The great difficulty had been accomplished, namely access to all of the machinery. Immediately work commenced to put the pumps in working order. It was expected that the electric pump could be at work in twenty-four hours, but on examining the wires, it was found that they had been disconnected by the explosion, so the Coal Company was obliged to be satisfied with one steam pump, which made the progress slow. During this time from date of explosion, the mine had been filling up all of the lower entries with water. No exploring had been done past the 20th entry, but the pumps were at work gradually diminishing the water little by little. I again visited the mine in October on the 21st, 22nd, and 23rd. There was a great quantity of water in the lower entries of the mine, and quite a number of bodies not yet recovered, which were supposed to be in entries 22 and 26. I again visited the mine in November on the 14th, 15th, and 16th. I was accompanied by John McNeal, Ex-State Mine Inspector of Colorado, Sup’t Brooks, and Thomas Sneddon. Examination was made of the mine and note taken of the progress that was being made from time to time since the explosion of June 30th, 1903. A thorough examination of the mine was made, which shows in my report of that date. Pumps were working night and day, but the progress was slow. A great quantity of water was constantly running into the mine from the different springs which were tributary to the mine.
I made another visit to the mine on December 3rd, 1903, being in company with John McNeal, Ex-Inspector of Colorado and Sup’t Brooks. At this time I was notified by Sup’t Brooks that they had the water pumped out sufficiently to explore the 24th and 26th entries, and the continued main slope on the east side. In this venture we were also accompanied by a rescuing party, consisting of six or eight expert gas men. Great quantities of gas were encountered, it taking all day to make three hundred feet. Seven men were found this day on the east side of the main slope. The following day the gas was all removed to face of 26th entry. Two men were found at the face of this entry, John Battle, the foreman of the mine and Mr. Massey, fire boss of the mine. One more man was still left in the mine, by the name of John Cox, who was one of the fire bosses, who examined the mine June 30th, 1903. Diligent search has been made to find the body of John Cox up to this present date.
On March 21st, 1904, I made another visit to the Hanna Mine. I was accompanied by Mr. Wm. Ray, Assistant Superintendent and Joseph Burton, Foreman. I made an examination of the entire mine, every part being inspected, old work and new, all class of stopping and every entry, room, and air course. Air measurements were taken and examination for gas was made in every possible corner where it could be possible for it to exist. No gas was found and the report book shows that no gas has been detected for the past two months. A new system of water supply has been inaugurated in the mine in accordance to Company advice. Every entry has a pipe system placed in it, commencing from the main slope and running the entire distance to face of each entry. This pipe system extends at intervals of every six rooms to such a distance as may be required, so that the hose may be attached to it suitable to water every room in each entry to the face. This work I found to be thoroughly executed by a person employed to attend to this particular duty and to examine all drill holes made by the miners and to see that they were all drilled a proper distance to avoid any accidents by careless shot fired.
The measurements were good. The intake has been increased from 31,258 cu. Ft. per minute to 92,714; upcast 93,802.
I have since the day of the explosion, up to the date of my last visit to the Hanna mine No. 1, the property of the Union Pacific Coal Company, located at Hanna, Carbon County, Wyoming, given much time in going over my notes in order to give a brief, correct, and accurate decision to what was the actual cause of the explosion, or what brought it about, and at what particular place in the mine it originated to the best of my ability.
I am conscientious when I say that in my best judgment the explosion started in the 16th entry in the vicinity of rooms No. 1, to No. 11. No. 11 room was least disturbed, but showed signs of fire passing through it. These rooms were repeatedly examined for three consecutive days, hoping to discover some signs that would give an opportunity to be accurate in a decision. I found no particular spot in any one of these rooms that I could feel positive in anything that I had found the identical place. The rooms gave evidence of quite a quantity of dust, which certainly gives great assistance for fire and flame. In the 16th entry the force of the explosion was violent all through this entry, as the timbers and brattice was blown in every direction. The concussion was so great in nearly all of the rooms that the very solid materials were torn from their foundations, causing great caves from one end of the entry to the other. Pit cars were blown into splinters, the force of the explosion from this point went down the hill moving everything that was loose with it. Some considerable part of the force crossed the main slope at the mouth of the 16th entry and passed through the 17th rock haul to the north part of the mine, also passing into the pump room and stable a little lower down on the slope.
I am of the opinion that it originated in the 16th entry between the points above stated, but I have not been able to discover any place or spot that I could truthfully say at what particular point the explosion originated, or the exact course which brought it about. The explosion might have occurred from an accumulation of a small quantity of gas being ignited by an open lamp. It also might have occurred from some miner who was filling his cartridge and ignited his powder by his open lamp. It is also quite probable that the explosion occurred from a series of rapid shot firing from the solid and the several concussions created a fog of dust and this being followed up by a blown out shot coming in contact with dust would create an explosion. The gas or powder which I have mentioned would have the same effect with the dust, yet the actual cause is a mystery and probably will remain so.
The Coroner’s Inquest, which is on file in the County Clerk’s office at Rawlins reads as follows:-
Inquest Report.
That they are those of the persons whose names are listed and subjoined, we do further say that they met their death at Hanna, Carbon County, Wyoming, in Hanna Mine No. 1, of the Union Pacific Coal Company, at about 10:30 o’clock in the forenoon of June 30th, 1903, that some of them were suffocated by the after damp the consequence of an explosion which occurred at the time before mentioned; that the remainder were killed by the explosion which was caused as nearly as we can ascertain by igniting, in some manner unknown to the jury, or gas and other combustibles.
(Signed) Joseph Widdowfield,
Wm. Davis,
Jonathan Veitch.
The evidence of fifteen witnesses who were examined by the jury is also on file in the County Clerk’s office at Rawlins.
Herewith I append the names of all persons who lost their lives in the explosion of Hanna Mine No. 1 owned by the Union Pacific Coal Company.
List of men killed in mine June 30th, 1903
Check Name Date Found Where found (entry) Room.
232 Theodore Schill 3 3 Between 5 & 7 on manway
11 Gus Westerland 7 17 16
25 Sam Mudspeth 7 18 16 1
288 Harry Leakela 7 20 16 Bet. 14 & 15
34 Jac Mikkila 7 18 16 29
40 John Rysbert 8 21 16 11
67 A. Heiskamen 8 22 16 in cross cut
67 G. H. Heiskanen 8 22 16
77 Dan Luoma 7 30 16 29
32 Chas. Somerill 8 21 16
139 John Takia 7 30 16 29
142 John Hopnack 8 22 16
159 John Runnola 7 18 16 11
164 John Hokka 8 21 16
176 Mat Nissila 8 21 16
130 Simon Ojala 7 19 16 17
184 Henry Talkanan 8 22 16
167 Herman Talkamen 8 29 16
217 Gabe Maki 7 18 16 7
233 John Huhta 8 21 16 in cross cut
235 Lauri A. Saari 7 30 16 29
268 Y. Hamkimo 7 16 16 Bet. 6 & 7
1 Henry Ojua 8 8 17 dip
2 Eric Longy 8 8 17 dip
5 Chas. Kertilla 8 8 17 dip
9 John Ashblund 8 8 17 dip
23 Herman Renko 8 8 17 dip
58 Alex Keimo 8 8 17 dip
59 Abe Neimo 8 8 17 dip
63 John Tempet 8 8 17 dip
72 August Longi 8 8 17 dip
79 John H. Hill 8 8 17 dip
86 Isaac S. Maki 8 8 17 dip
89 Alfred Hapgood 8 8 17 dip
92 August Maki 8 8 17 dip
100 S. Pouti 8 8 17 dip
125 Mat Hako 8 8 17 dip
137 Sac Lakko 8 8 17 dip
149 M. M. Louna 8 8 17 dip
151 Henry Glaat 8 8 17 dip
177 August K. Matson 8 8 17 dip
181 Wm. Sakrison 8 8 17 dip
190 Nels Waktala 8 8 17 dip
195 Sak Kacobson 8 8 17 dip
205 Jim Delmonico 8 8 17 dip
213 Jos. Sheffield 8 8 17 dip
237 Henry Kenkamper 8 8 17 dip
258 Alf Maki 8 8 17 dip
3 D. Massaro 7 22 15 21
8 Samuel Michelson 11 7 18 20
18 Andrew Luoma 9 30 18 19
41 Ilmer Matson 8 18
44 Chas Pelto 8 18 18
56 E. Petracco 8 18 18
86 Andrew Matson 8 18 18
70 Thos. Weathers 8 18 18
80 Mark Miller 8 18 18
81 Fred Wilkins 9 5 18 23
99 John Passi 8 18 18
112 Geo. Hooper 7 24 18 23
135 Alu Heitala 8 18 18
175 Andrew I. Koski 8 18 18
179 John Mertilla 8 18
136 Eric Luoma 10 2 18 19
183 J. H. Swanson 10 18 18 20
208 Alf. Holm 8 18 18
224 Wm. William 8 18 18
239 Samuel Aysto 8 18 18
246 Wm. Rassia 8 18 18
286 A. U. Zalla 8 18 18
24 Mat A. Longi 7 24 20 back
30 John Lundberg 7 24 20 back
35 Carl Ruski 8 24 20 back
46 John Lassali 7 24 20 back
49 Robert Clarkson 11 30 20 25
55 John Honks 7 24 20 back
83 Thos. Lanty 7 24 20 14
91 John Blumstrom 7 24 20 back
95 John Pelto 7 24 20 back
107 Robert Tinsley 7 23 16
120 Henry Wilmunsen 7 24 20 back
124 Andrew Tikka 8 24 20 back
132 Samuel Kaeria 7 24 20 back
134 Andrew Longi 10 22 22
146 Nic Laamanen 7 24 20 17
147 Alec Nikkola 7 27 20 near 32
148 Sakry Wilmunen 7 24 20 back
156 Henry Lindi 7 23 20 14
160 Files Niclelson 7 24 20 17
167 Otto Hullanda 7 24 20 back
174 Mat Lundbert, Sr. 7 24 20 back
183 S. H. Klassen 11 30 20 36
192 John Clarkson 11 28 20 25
194 C. Dandry 10 22 22 18
218 James Watson 7 23 20 13
221 Mat. Lundberg, Jr. 7 24 20 back
231 Andrew Williams 7 24 20
236 Mat Tukola 10 8 20 cross cut 26 to 27
238 Nic Sorvista 7 24 20
240 S. Tukola 10 28 20 26
247 John Malberg 7 23 20 18
279 Mat Malbert 7 27 20 18
353 Uriah Davis 7 23 20 13
253 H. Rankinen 7 24 20 back
250 Nick Thidz 12 4 20 26
264 Cla Tinnley 7 23 20 16
271 Jad Nanti 7 24 20 back
272 Oscar Kukkola 7 27 20 near 32
279 Alf Niomo 7 24 20 back
280 Mike Nukkola 7 27 20 near 32
281 Gus Linden 7 27 20 near 32
16 William Austin 10 22 22 29
37 Mike Arthurs 10 22 22 15
94 Phippip Marzon 10 22 22 17
109 Henry Sanders 10 22 22 13
117 A. McDonald 10 30 22 13
130 Mat Longi 10 23 22 cross cut at face
131 James Thomas 10 23 22 cross cut at face back
144 Robert Munley 11 22 22 14
166 Chas. Niemo 10 23 22 30
170 Jesse McDonals 10 22 22 13
189 W. O. Williams 10 23 22 28
196 Richard Bain 10 23 2 back at face
203 W. L. Smith 10 22 22 16
211 Nic Massaro 10 21 22 16
219 Desha Austin 10 22 22 28
285 P. Di Cesare 10 21 22 cross 17 & 18
6 John Rait 12 3 28 outside 5th cross cut 28
7 C. Ciarallo 12 2 28 inside 5th cross cut 28E
31 John R. Cox 12 2 28 outside 5th cross cut
153 John Eelearto 12 12 28 inside 5th cross cut 28
43 Ed. Love 10 23 22 29
52 A. E. Newsome 12 3 slope 8th cross cut from basin
216 Ben Miller 12 4 slope 8th cross cut from basin
342 Wm. Hall 12 3 “ “
376 James Denny 12 4 “ “
254 Wm. Pulkamen 10 23 22 30
John Norconen 12 16 15 dip near 17 over cast
Joe Julio 12 4 slope 8th cross cut from basin face
John Bettue 12 8 26 back
Pete Kowley 10 20 22 Parting inside manway
John H. Cox not found – supposed to be buried in cave.
James Massey 12 6 26 back face
Geo. McKenne 12 3 slope 26 back
Axel Matson 12 13 17 Bet. 2 & 3 rooms
John A. Saari 7 1 slope at 7 entry
John Boney 6 30 11 plane
John D. Jones 7 1 slope at 7 entry
Rudolph Salo 7 12 16 1
Ed Brown 7 20 16 opposite 25
Jac Niemststc 8 8 17 dip
Mat Jarvals 8 7 17 parting
Oscar Jacobson 8 8 17 dip at edge on rock
James Smith 8 8 17 dip out edge
James While, Sr., 8 8 17 dip out edge
Job While 8 8 17 dip out edge
Thomas Davis 8 8 17 dip out edge
Axel Cittila 8 8 17 dip out edge
Mike Sporro 8 21 Bet. 18 & 20 on slope
John B. Matson 8 21 18 parting
Martin Mickelson 7 21 18 parting
Fave D. Jones, Sr. 7 21 18 parting
Gust Malberg 7 27 20 near 32
Ole Jacobson 7 24 20 back
Henry Reese 7 24 20 back
James Hayes 7 24 20 back
James While, Jr. 7 23 20
Felix McKenna 7 16 Pump room
John Battle, Foreman 26
H. Masse, Fire boss 26
John Cox, Fire boss Not found. Still in mine.
I have to all appearances, given you a long and lengthy detail of the proceedings of what has occurred in the Hanna Mine No. 1, in the past ten months, but I can assure you that I have been exceedingly brief. And I desire to say that every effort has been made by the management of the Union Pacific Coal Company and that they have spared no pains whatever to do all in their power to recover the last man who lost his life in the explosion of June 30th, at 10:15 A. M., 1903. I make this statement knowing it be a fact as I was a constant visitor to the mine for thirty-two days out of the first forty days after the explosion. I have also been a constant visitor on duty and know of the many difficulties there were to contend with in reconstructing this mine and the great danger there was in performing the duties necessary to recover all of the persons but one who lost their lives in the mine, and the perfect work that was done by Sup’t Brooks during this ten months; otherwise the entire proposition might have terminated in a failure.
I do not hesitate to say that in the future all mine operators should observe the mining laws strictly and use all precautions they possibly can in regulation shot firing in dusty or gaseous mines and if possible, to introduce some other kind of explosives than black powder. This is a subject to which I shall devote more time and advice with the operators and Superintendent, as to the advisability of adopting more stringent rules in their mines to avoid accidents.
Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
(signed)A. E. Bradbury,
State Ins. Coal Mines,
District No. 1.