1918 - 1918: The Union Pacific Coal Company's No. 5 Mine at Hanna, Wyoming
Notes from Bob Leathers
The Union Pacific Coal Company's Hanna No. 5 underground mine was developed in 1918, but the quality of the coal turned out to be poor. The No. 5 mine closed within a year and never reopened. There were no miners killed in the No. 5 mine.
Hanna No. 5 Mine
This mine was opened in 1918 on a seam of coal 1,400 feet stratigraphically below the No. 2 Seam. The coal seam at this point, while large, had a soft shale band 2 to 4 feet thick near the center. This mine development did not proceed far until it was decided to abandon the project due to the serious cleaning problem involved, also due to the fact that large reserves of clean coal were still available in other localities. (UPCCEM, Nov. 1940)