Gert Milliken's Photo Collection
of Unknown Children, Women, Men, and Families in Hanna
Page by Gary Milliken with contributions from Bob Leathers and April Avery
Embark on a delightful journey back to early life in Hanna - late 1800's and early 1900's - in these marvelous photos of unknown Hanna children, individuals and families from Gert Milliken. The collection was provided by Gert's son Gary Milliken.
This collection includes photographs by: Frank Tamaki Nakaco - J. D. Sagris - E. Laegmula - M.G. Manias - Emil Silfvast - Mpanu Lahtinen - all Hanna historic photographers. The images provide an important opportunity to view the clothing, hairs styles and photograph mannerisms found in Hanna at the time. It is thought that many of these images were originally printed as post cards - presumably intended for family and friends around the world.
This collection includes photographs by: Frank Tamaki Nakaco - J. D. Sagris - E. Laegmula - M.G. Manias - Emil Silfvast - Mpanu Lahtinen - all Hanna historic photographers. The images provide an important opportunity to view the clothing, hairs styles and photograph mannerisms found in Hanna at the time. It is thought that many of these images were originally printed as post cards - presumably intended for family and friends around the world.