Hanna and the Union Pacific Coal Company's First Aid Team, Library and Mine Safety
Page by Bob Leathers
A recent issue of the Rock Springs Miner carried the following account of the winning by Hanna of first prize in the Sixth Annual First Aid Contest to be held in Wyoming:
In spite of the disagreeable weather, a large number of people gathered at First Aid Park last Sunday afternoon to witness the sixth annual First Aid and Mine Rescue Field Meet.
The Union Pacific Coal Co., has been for a number of years, a strong supporter of first aid work. They have advocated this training to such an extent that one man, “Safety First Tom Gibson,” has been detailed to give his entire time to superintending this work in the different U.P. Camps. Each mine had its First Aid team and without doubt many lives have been saved by the work of these teams.
Teams from Reliance, Superior, Hanna, Cumberland and Rock Springs competed, there being ten First Aid teams and three Mine Rescue combination teams.
In the First Aid contest, Hanna won first prize, scoring 35 2-2 points; Superior C Mine, second prize, 25 points, and Cumberland, third prize, 26 2-3 points. In the Mine Rescue events Rock Springs No. 7 Mine won first prize in demonstrating the manner of resuscitating men overcome by poisonous gases by means of the Gibbs oxygen breathing apparatus. The second prize was won by Cumberland, third prize by Hanna.
The percentages scored by the various teams is a credit to all who participated in the event.
The members of Hanna team that performed are as follows: Wm. Brown, (captain), Tom Mackan, Roy Cummings, James Walsh, John While, and James Harrison. (The Rawlins Republican, October 13,1921)
1925 First Aid Club of Hanna: Jack Crawshaw, Joe Maxon, John Kelly, O. L. Johnson, Jas. Hecvine, T. Meekin, J. Meekin, W. Alhstom, T. Edwardson, John Penny, J. Termelia, J. Leese, Joe Woods, J. Bamber.
September 17, 1927: First Aid and Mine Rescue Meet held at Rock Springs.
Hanna No. 1 Team:
A. H. Royce (Captain), Thomas Lucas, John Fermelia, Ed Attryde, W. H. Moffitt and A. W. Bailey (Patient).
A. H. Royce (Captain), Thomas Lucas, John Fermelia, Ed Attryde, W. H. Moffitt and A. W. Bailey (Patient).
Hanna No. 2 Team:
Al Barton, (Captain), Fred Silcock, Ed While, Albert Crawford, Alex Clark, James Crank (Patient) and James McArdle (First Aid Trainer)
Al Barton, (Captain), Fred Silcock, Ed While, Albert Crawford, Alex Clark, James Crank (Patient) and James McArdle (First Aid Trainer)
List of the men in Hanna that completed First Aid Training.
1932 Hanna Men Won the First Aid Championship
Thomas Lucas, Captain; Harry Dodds, Ed While, Alex Clark, William Ray, Sam Harrison (UPCCEM, July 1932)