1925 September: Hanna Boy Scouts
Exhibit by Bob Leathers
1928 - 1930
Individuals mentioned at the Elk Mt. Scout Camp: Mr. Mylorie, Mr. Morgan, Mr. Butler, Harold Morgan, and Will Clegg.
Champions - Hanna Boys Win it All in Rock Springs
Hanna Team, Boy Scouts, winners of First Prize in the Boys' First Aid Contest. They will go to Salt Lake City. Hanna Team: Yngve Eckman, Harold Morgan, Howard Rodda, Lincoln Mellor, Burr Bailey and Jack Crawshaw. Instructor James McArdle.
The winner of the 1928 Union Pacific Coal Company's Boy Scout First Aid Challenger Cup was Hanna. The team included: Yngve Ekman, Captain; Howard Rodda, Frank Bateman, Dan Clegg, Charles Morgan, Jack Crawshaw, patient.
Team included: Yugve Eckman, Captain; Daniel Clegg, James Hearne, Instuctor; Jack Crawshaw, Frank Bateman, Charles Morgan and Howard Rodda.
The winner of the 1928 Union Pacific Coal Company's Boy Scout First Aid Challenger Cup was Hanna. The team included: James Meekin, Captain; Harold Morgan, Charles Morgan Frank Hearne, Vincent Lucas, Henry Lemoine, patient.
The winner of the 1928 Union Pacific Coal Company's Boy Scout First Aid Challenger Cup was Hanna. The team included: Jack Crawshaw, Captain; Charles Morgan, Jack Lee, Frank Hearne, Vincent Lucas, John Dexter, patient.
1932 Boy Scout First Aid Union Pacific Coal Company Champions
1938 Boy Scout First Aid Competition at Old Timers' Day in Rock Springs.