Sam Dickinson's Dry Goods Store on Front Street
Page by Bob Leathers
Long time Hanna Basin resident and businessman, Sam Dickinson, worked in the Hanna mines in the early years, he later left the mines and opened the Dickinson Dry Good store - #10 - on Front Street. He sold his business in the mid 1920's and Thomas Jackson's Clothing store - #9 - took over the Dickinson store space. The Jackson Clothing store then started selling both clothing and dry goods. Sam Dickinson's Dry Good store was at some point converted into apartments and later burned down.
Mr. Sam Dickinson
His many friends are glad to see Mr. Sam Dickinson back at the counter in his store again. Mr. Dickinson has been ill several weeks and does not look very well yet, but we are glad he is able to be out again. (Rawlins Republican, March 1, 1921)
1923: Sam Dickinson congratulated Ella Huhta and Lena Erickson before the state spelling contest to be held in Douglas, Wyoming.
Hanna Basketball
Out of Thirty-Six teams entered in the Basketball Tournament at Laramie, the Hanna team was awarded the Sportsmanship Cup, an award which we appreciate fully as well, or better, than if it had won the Gold Basketball. All honor to you, boys! (Sam Dickinson. 1924)
The Sam Dickinson's Dry Goods Store was taken over by Mr. Jackson. When the Jackson store closed the building was converted into living quarters, it later burned down. (Hanna Miner)