1940: Hanna Annual Flower and Garden Contest
First Prize: Mr. Hugh Brindley entered service of the Company at Hanna in December, 1910. Is a married man, family of two daughters (one teaching at Hanna and one attending school at Greeley, Colorado.) Is employed as Gas Watchman in Mine No. 4, and is a member of the Old Timers’ Asssociation. Won First in 1939 and second in 1935 and 1937. Second Prize: Evan Jones, first employed at Carbon March 15, 1901. is married, two daughters and two sons, all living at Hanna. Evan is a car repairer, and belongs to the Old timers’ Association. He got second prize in 1938. Third prize: Evor Aalto, started to work for the Company at Hanna in 1928. Is a married man and now employed as Driller in No. 4 Mine. (UPCCEM, Sept. 1940)
First Prize: Frank Scarpelli, Watchman, married, nine children, has worked at Hanna since 1907, belongs to the Old Timers’ Association. Second Prize: Peter Kroger, Driller, started with the Company in June, 1909. Married, and is a member of the Old Timers’ Association. Third Prize: James Fearn, Hoisting Engineer, married, two children. Accepted employment at Cumberland in 1905, belongs to the Old Timers’ Association. (UPCCEM, Oct. 1941)
1. First Prize, James Fearn, 2, Second Prize, Ever Aalto, 3. Third Prize, Evan and Annie Jones, admiring their garden.
First Prize:--Mr. James Fearn, well known old timer of Hanna, entered the service of the Company in 1905 as a driver, and today still finds himself in our employ, now an outside engineer. Mrs. Fearn is a slate picker on the tipple. The Fearns have two daughters, Letha, a teacher at Seminoe Dam, Wyoming, and Ruby, now Mrs. Aubrey Evans. Mr. Fearn won first prize in 1943. (UPCCEM Oct. 1944)
Second Prize:--Mr. Evan Jones, member of the Old Timers’ Association, and third prize winner in 1943, started working for the Company in 1901 as a loader in the mine at Carbon, Wyoming. Since 1902 he has worked at Hanna, except for three years spent in Kemmerer, Wyoming. He is now a car repairer. Mrs. Thomas Lucas, one of his four children, resides in Hanna. Leroy, who lives in California, and John, who is in the Navy, both are married. Joe Ann, his youngest daughter, attends school in Hanna. (UPCCEM, Oct. 1944)
Third Prize:--Mr. Peter Kroger, who has won prizes before, began his service with the Company in 1909, working at the Superior C and D Mines in 1923 and 1924. He returned to Hanna in June, 1924, and has worked there until the present time. (UPCCEM, Oct. 1944)
First Prize: Evan Jones: First prize this year went to Evan Jones. Mr. Jones is a long-time employee of the Company, having started at Carbon, March 15, 1901. Mr. Jones is married and has four children; one son, John is serving in the United States Navy. Mr. Jones is presently employed as a car repairer st Hanna No. 4-A Mine. He is a member of the Old Timers’ Association.
Second Prize: James Fearn: Mr. Fearn was the winner of the second prize. He is also a member of the Old Timers’ Association, and has been employed since 1905, entering the employment at Cumberland. Mr. Fearn is married and has two children who are both married. He is employed as a hoisting engineer.
Third Prize: Frank Scarpelli: The third prize was awarded to Frank Scarpelli who is a member of the Old Timers’ Association and has been employed at Hanna since September, 1907. Mr. Scarpelli is married and has nine children. Five sons, Sam, Ralph, Tony, Joe and Frank, are serving in the United States armed Forces. (UPCCEM, Oct. 1945)