1963 October 2: A Large Cattle Drive from Elk Mountain
to Hanna's Union Pacific Railroad Stockyard
Images and notes from Randy Shipman and Gail Bulkley (Withrow) with contributions from Bob Leathers
October 2, 1963: a large cattle drive from Elk Mountain to the Union Pacific Railroad stockyard at Hanna must have been a sight to see.
Big Cattle Shipment Starts After 30 Mile Trail Drive
(Rawlins Daily Times Article Ron and Jewell Lee Withrow collection from Gail Bulkley)
One of the largest single cattle shipments in Carbon County history took place yesterday when Barcross Land and Livestock Company of Pinedale shipped about 2,500 head of steers to feedlots in Galesburg, Illinois. Senator Norman Barlow, Barcross owner, said the steers have been pastured in Palm Basin about 30 miles south of Hanna since April. Palm Basin is owned by Gerry and Norman Palm of Palm Livestock Company. Last April, Sen. Barlow said, calves were gathered from Barcross ranches at Burley, Idaho and Deeth, Nevada for shipment to Hanna. Yesterday the steers were loaded into 70 Union Pacific cattle cars. From Hanna they will travel to Omaha, Nebraska where they will be switched to the CB&Q Railroad Company for the balance of the trip to Galesburg. Billy Anderson, UP freight agent at Rawlins, said the cattle will travel on a special schedule. The shipment reportedly will travel the 998 miles to Galesburg faster than any cattle shipment in railroad history. The trip is scheduled to be made in less time than a streamliner passenger train would take. (Rawlins Daily Times)
There They Go
One of the largest cattle shipments in Carbon County history - 2,500 head of steers - left Hanna via Union Pacific Railroad for feedlots at Galesburg, Illinois yesterday. Watching the loading process are (L to R) Mrs. Ed Palm, Sr., Senator Norman Barlow, Mrs. Jerry Palm, Jerry Palm, Hanna Mayor Ron Withrow and Mrs. Louis Boles. The pint-sized cowboy was not identified. (Rawlins Daily Times)
At Elk Mountain
Union Pacific Railroad Stockyard at Hanna
Some of the people in two photos below are: Louis Boles – Brand Inspector; Bob Klaren – worked for Bar Cross; Henry Chesborough; Norm Barlow; John and Marjorie Runner; Jerry and Nancy Palm; Louise Boles; I think Jewell Lee Withrow and my dad Don Shipman. (Randy Shipman)
The note below is from cattle owner Norman Barlow to Don Shipman, representative of the Union Pacific Railroad in Hanna, Wyoming. (Don and Phyllis Shipman Collection from Randy Shipman)