A List of Hanna Basin People Nicknames
Nicknames compiled by Gertrude "Gert" Milliken
with contributions from Gerald "Doodle" McArdle, Bob "Bobo" Leathers and April Avery
with contributions from Gerald "Doodle" McArdle, Bob "Bobo" Leathers and April Avery
Many people in the Hanna Basin had a nickname. For the fun of it, Gert Milliken and friends compiled a list of the names they could remember. Gert passed along a note, "sometimes the nickname was so dominant, no one could remember the real name".
Ainsworth, Don - (Kaesar)
Ainsworth, Ed - (Snod)
Ainsworth, Jack - (8LB)
Alto, Evor - (Dutchy)
Anderson, Henry - (Nappy)
Anderson, James - (Pancake)
Anderson - (Zeki)
Autio, Franklin - (Finn)
Bailey, Bryant - (Scant)
Bailey - (Dumpy)
Bedford - (Stub)
Bedford - (Hawkshaw)
Bedford - (Peg)
Boam, Arthur - (Speck)
Boam, Ronald - (Ronnie)
Boam, Harry - (Buck)
Boam - (Moe)
Boam, Thomas - (Tucker)
Brewer, Marjorie - (Midge)
Briggs, Alexander - (A. D.)
Briggs, Neil - (Cowt)
Briggs, William - (Windy)
Bruce, Robert - (Snoose)
Buckendorf, Eugene - (Gene)
Bullock, G.E. - (Bookie)
Butler - (Soapy)
Butler, John - (Pups)
Campbell, Robert - (Bob)
Cesnik, Stanley - (Stan)
Clark, Frank - (Cluck)
Clark - (Weary)
Clegg, James - (Jimmy)
Crank, Stanley - (Stem)
Crawford, Muriel - (Mugs)
Crawford - (Nort)
Cruickshank, George - (Crookey)
Cruickshank, Phyliss - (Trix)
Cummings, Robert - (Bisquick)
DeForest - (Duke)
Dodds, Tom - (Sally)
Ekola - (Heavy)
Eskele, Wayne - (Yonks)
Evans, Evan - (Red)
Freeman, Bill - (Monk)
Freeman, Tom - (Tucker)
Gaskell, Albert - (Heavy)
Gaskell, Richard - (Crow)
Hapgood, Alfred - (Shorty)
Harrison, William - (Peanuts)
Henningsen - (Hoosegow)
Henningsen - (Squirt)
Holma, Herbert - (Teddy Bear)
Huhtala, John - (Hoot)
Hukala, Uno - (Biff)
Hukala, Buford - (Beef)
Hunt, Richard - (Doc)
Johnson, Eli - (Cap)
Jones, Evan - (Snapper)
Jones - (Snott)
Jones, Donald - (Bones)
Jones, Donald - (Don)
Jones, George - (Turk)
Jones, Leroy - (Nip)
Jussila, Sulo - (Soup)
Jussila, Tauno - (Dog)
Kandolin, Wilho - (Kat)
Katsofakis, Andy - (Close Eye)
Kelly, Jack - (Kayo)
Kerr - (Dutch)
Kerr, Gaddis - (Gat)
Killiam, Clyde - (Liquid)
Killion, Leonard - (Liquid)
Kirkpatrick, William - (Snuffy)
Kivisto, Tenho - (Tenspot)
Klemola - (Billy) (Klem)
Klemola - (Chinky)
Klemola, Wayne - (Spug)
Kotsavakis - (Lefty)
Kuoppala, Reino - (Kuop)
Leathers, Robert - (Bobo)
Leathers, Ronald - (Smokey)
Lee, Dick - (Womp)
Lehti, Uno - (Tug)
Lemoine, Henry - (Goofy)
Lemoine, Roy - (Simp)
Linde, Theodore - (Tuff)
Lucas, Bernard - (Bun)
Lucas, Clarence - (Pumpy)
Lucas, Vincent - (Tunney)
McAtee, George - (Hutch)
Mangan - (Tooty)
McArdle, Gerald - (Doodle)
McArdle, James - (Doodle)
McCalla, Edward - (Ed the Sailor)
McNeese - (Joke)
McNeese, William - (Bill)
Meekin - (Goog)
Mellor, Charles - (Chuck)
Mellor, Gilbert - (Gib)
Mellor, William - (Billy)
Mellor, Jack - (Hookey)
Mellor, Joe - (Stooge)
Milliken, William - (Bill) (Sutt)
Milliken, Gary - (Moose)
Milliken, Gertrude - (Gert)
Milliken, John - (Tillers)
Milliken, John - (Bearcat)
Milliken, Robert - (Mucca)
Milliken, Robert - (Swat)
Moffit, Ted - (Fudge)
Morgan - (Pop)
Morgan, Harold - (Hags)
Morgan, Sidney - (Bugs)
Myamoto - (Yosh)
Nakazona, Sam - (Nag)
Norris, Joe - (Fog)
Pallesen, Wilbur - (Pally)
Parkko - (Slim)
Pascoe, William Sr. - (Bill)
Peterson, Henry - (Pekin)
Porter, James (Jimmy)
Rea, Bill - (Scooney)
Reel, Lloyd - (Gopher)
Reese, Robert - (Sonny)
Ridder, Frank - (Tuffy)
Rimmer, John - (Lim)
Rimmer - (Pickles)
Rimmer - (Skinny)
Riva, Evalt - (Egg)
Riva, Woodrow - (Pud)
Riva - (Unk)
Rodda, Johnny - (Dyke)
Rollison, Herold - (Pat)
Ryder, Frank - (Tuffy)
Saari - (Fish)
Salo, Eugene - (Elky)
Salo, Laurie - (Scully)
Salo, Oliver - (Nebbie)
Saxberg, Onni - (Taxi)
Scarpelli, Ralph - (Rastus)
Siltamaki, Sander - (Si)
Solaas, Charles - (Chas)
Solaas, Wallace - (Wally)
Stultz, Joe - (Trigger)
Taccalone, Frankie - (Musso)
Taccalone, Tony - (Tac)
Tate, Jack - (Spud)
Tavelli, Donald - (Prof)
Temple, Gordon - (Gordo)
Tennant, Alexander Sr. (Sandy)
Tennant, Alex - (Moon)
Tennant, Arthur - (Buster)
Tennant, Earl - (Weary)
Tennant, Evan - (Sleepy)
Tennant, William - (Bill)
Tennant, James - (Jim) (Mugsy)
Thomas, Virgil - (Boogie)
Veitch, Bill - (Buzz)
Veitch, Herbert - (Hub)
Veitch, Ronald - (Ronnie)
Veitch - (Pip)
Waits, Bill - (Ginney)
Waits, Claude - (Bussie)
Waits - (Korky)
Wakkuri, John - (Matt)
Wales, George - (Prince)
Wales, Richard - (Rip)
Warburton, Rachel - (Pooch)
Warburton, William - (Buttons)
Warburton, Robert - (Ick)
West, Lanny (Hook)
West, Lanny (Hook)
While, Donald - (Don) (Duck)
While, Edward - (Ed) (Breezy)
While, Henry - (Hank)
While, Jack - (Biggy)
While, James - (Jimmy)
While, Joseph - (Joe) (Cotton)
While, John Sr. - (Sandy) (Jack)
While, John Jr. - (Jacky)
While, John - (Gimpy) (Guts)
While, Jobe - (Job)
Wist, Evert - (Twisty)
Withrow - (Pinky)
Withrow, Ronald - (Squeaky)
Zancanella, David - (Zank)