Fred Dean: Staff Sgt. US Army
Staff Sgt. Fred Dean Rider
Awarded Oak Leaf Cluster
Staff Sgt. Fred Dean Rider, son of Mr. And Mrs. Frank C. Rider, of Hanna, was awarded the Oak Leaf Cluster to the Air Medal for completing five missions over enemy-occupied Europe, Brigadier General James P. Hodges, commanding general, 8th AAF Liberator Division, announced somewhere in England recently. The cluster was presented by Colonel Irvine A. Rendle, of Rawlins, Liberator group commander. The citation read: “For exceptionally meritorious achievement while participating in five separate bomber combat missions over enemy-occupied continental Europe. The courage, coolness and skill displayed by this man on these occasions reflects great credit upon himself and the armed forces of the United States.”
Sergeant Rider was a student at the Hanna High School and attended the University for two years, volunteering for service in September 1942. He was employed in the Hanna Mines during the summer months of 1941 and 1942.
Dean has received three Oak Leaf Clusters, the presentations being made on December 12, 1943, January 5, 1944, and January 20, 1944. All three clusters were presented to him by Colonel Irvine A. Rendle.
Sgt. Rider’s father, Frank C. Rider, has been employed by the Company at Hanna since 1917. (UPCCEM, April 1944)
Note: No Hanna Basin cemetery record found.