F. M. Baker - Old Carbon and Hanna Photographer
Page by Bob Leathers
Hanna Photo Shop
Photo Shop used by F. M. Baker on Front Street in Hanna.
Carbon City Photo by F. M. Baker
1. Beckwith Commercial Company Store 2. Carbon House 3. C. F. Johnson's Store 4. Scranton House 5. G. Gobleman 6. Butcher Shop. 7 & 8 Co-operative Store 10. Dr. Clark. 11. Dr. Ricketts and Barber Shop 12. F. P Shannon's Drug Store 13. General store owned by F. P. Shannon 14. Wyoming House 15. Finish Church. 16. Saloon 17. No. 6 Coal Mine. 18. No. 2 Coal Mine (Building No. 9 missing.) (Wyoming and Its Future, Laramie Territory, 1887 Holiday Edition)
One of the busiest places in town [Carbon] is Baker’s Photograph Gallery, situated on an eminence in the northern part of this place. The proprietor, F. M. Baker, ranks among the leading photographers of the territory. Within the past year he has erected a commodious gallery, fitted up with all the modern improvements, and admirably adapted for his business. Mr. Baker has in the past always turned-out fine work but his present pictures surpass anything ever seen in this county, and it is doubtful if they can be beaten by any artist in Wyoming. Mr. Baker is a young man of thirty and a graduate of Middlebury College, Vermont. He has been a resident of Wyoming for the past five years and considers himself a permanent fixture. In addition to making photographs and views, he carries a large stock of frames and albums, which he offers at very reasonable prices. He makes a specialty of enlarging pictures and also takes orders for crayon portraits. The picture of Carbon at the head of this article, is from a photograph taken recently by Mr. Baker especially for this edition. He is widely known throughout the territory, and his many friends watch his artistic progress with great pleasure. (Wyoming and Its Future, Laramie Territory, 1887 Holiday Edition)