Hanna Celebrates the Eight Hour Day
Page by Bob Leathers
The celebration of the "Eight Hour Day"was looked forward to by all the residents of Hanna. It normally consisted of candy, fruit and a movie at Love's Theatre for the children and a dance that evening for the adults.
Eight Hour Day
The eight hour day was celebrated on April 2, 1928. An address was given in the Finn Hall by Harry Fox, President of the State Federation of Labor, and there was a free picture picture show, candy and oranges for the children. Mr. Frank Hayes, of the Nation Federation of Labor, gave a talk in the theatre on April 3rd, which was followed by a free dance. (UPCCEM, May 1928)
8 Hour Day
The 8-hour Day celebration on the Ist of April went off "with a bang." A lengthy parade, good marching music. The free movies and free dances all attended by huge crowds. etc. The principal speaker was Frank Hefferly, President of U. M. A., District 15, Denver, the occasion being his first visit to hock springs since 1929. His talk was listened to with rapt attention and he dwelt particularly on the rift between the CIO and AFL, remarking that it had as yet caused no ill effect as the membership in the groups mentioned had largely increased. He also told of the 8-hour day and the fight of the U. M. W. to put over the reduction in working hours, paying tribute to its President. John L. Lewis. a masterful leader. (UPCCEM May 1939)
Hanna Eight Hour Day Celebration
The Eight Hour Day was celebrated by a parade of school children from the Finn Hall to the theatre, where they were treated to a show and candy. (UPCCEM, May 1942)