Charles H. Brooks
Page by Bob Leathers
Old Carbon and Hanna Death and Burial Records
Brooks, Charles H.
Cemetery: Hanna
Headstone: Not Found
Born: July 29, 1862
Died: April 5, 1926
Age: 63 y's, 8 m's, 6 d's
Note: Charles H. Brooks Passes On: The death of Charles H. Brooks (colored) at his home on Monday, April 5th, cast a gloom over the entire community. “Charlie” was born in Gordonsville, Virginia, on July 29th, 1862, and came north in August, 1898 entering the service of The Union Pacific Coal Company at Hanna, remaining in service until about one year ago, when on account of poor health, he was compelled to retire. He affiliated with the Baptist Church at an early age and, with his good wife, accepted the responsibilities and leadership of church work and the organization and building of the First Baptist Church of Hanna.
“Charlie” was of a kind and cheerful disposition, always speaking well of everyone, and believing in the ultimate good of everything. He always practiced the Golden Rule, as he journeyed through life, doing unto others as he would they should do unto him. By his honest and upright dealing with all men he earned and held the respect and esteem of not only those of his own race but of all whom he came in contact.
Funeral arrangements were under the auspices of Middle West Lodge, No. 24, A. F. and A.M. (colored) of Rock Springs, and services were held at the First Baptist Church, Hanna, on Sunday, April 11th, 1926, at two P.M., the Reverend J.E. Allen, Secretary Inter-mountain Convention of Colored Baptist Churches, officiating, assisted by the Reverend C.L. Wright, Pastor of the M.E. Church, Hanna. Interment took place in the Hanna cemetery, services at the grave being performed by the U.M.W. of A., and Middle West Lodge No. 24, A.F. and A.M., of which order deceased was an honored member.
The love and esteem in which deceased was held was evidenced by the many beautiful floral offerings and the many friends, of all nationalities and creeds, that attended the ceremonies and followed the remains to their last resting place. Deceased leaves to mourn his loss a devoted wife, one daughter, Mrs. Leta Jones, residing at Norristown, Pennsylvania; two sisters, one residing at Norristown, Pennsylvania, and one at Gordonsville, Virginia. Out of town friends attending the funeral were Mr. And Mrs. Harry Schwein, of Omaha, Nebraska, nephew and niece of Mrs. Brooks, Mr. And Mrs. F.J. Garrett; Mr. And Mrs. J. Thomas, Mrs. Ernest, and Mrs. G. Swanson and children of Rawlins. (UPCCEM May 1926)
Cemetery: Hanna
Headstone: Not Found
Born: July 29, 1862
Died: April 5, 1926
Age: 63 y's, 8 m's, 6 d's
Note: Charles H. Brooks Passes On: The death of Charles H. Brooks (colored) at his home on Monday, April 5th, cast a gloom over the entire community. “Charlie” was born in Gordonsville, Virginia, on July 29th, 1862, and came north in August, 1898 entering the service of The Union Pacific Coal Company at Hanna, remaining in service until about one year ago, when on account of poor health, he was compelled to retire. He affiliated with the Baptist Church at an early age and, with his good wife, accepted the responsibilities and leadership of church work and the organization and building of the First Baptist Church of Hanna.
“Charlie” was of a kind and cheerful disposition, always speaking well of everyone, and believing in the ultimate good of everything. He always practiced the Golden Rule, as he journeyed through life, doing unto others as he would they should do unto him. By his honest and upright dealing with all men he earned and held the respect and esteem of not only those of his own race but of all whom he came in contact.
Funeral arrangements were under the auspices of Middle West Lodge, No. 24, A. F. and A.M. (colored) of Rock Springs, and services were held at the First Baptist Church, Hanna, on Sunday, April 11th, 1926, at two P.M., the Reverend J.E. Allen, Secretary Inter-mountain Convention of Colored Baptist Churches, officiating, assisted by the Reverend C.L. Wright, Pastor of the M.E. Church, Hanna. Interment took place in the Hanna cemetery, services at the grave being performed by the U.M.W. of A., and Middle West Lodge No. 24, A.F. and A.M., of which order deceased was an honored member.
The love and esteem in which deceased was held was evidenced by the many beautiful floral offerings and the many friends, of all nationalities and creeds, that attended the ceremonies and followed the remains to their last resting place. Deceased leaves to mourn his loss a devoted wife, one daughter, Mrs. Leta Jones, residing at Norristown, Pennsylvania; two sisters, one residing at Norristown, Pennsylvania, and one at Gordonsville, Virginia. Out of town friends attending the funeral were Mr. And Mrs. Harry Schwein, of Omaha, Nebraska, nephew and niece of Mrs. Brooks, Mr. And Mrs. F.J. Garrett; Mr. And Mrs. J. Thomas, Mrs. Ernest, and Mrs. G. Swanson and children of Rawlins. (UPCCEM May 1926)