John Sr., John Jr. and Ann Cox
Images and notes from Janet Green
John Cox was killed in the June 30, 1903 explosion of the Union Pacific Coal Company's No. 1 mine in Hanna, Wyoming. He was in the mine working as a fire boss at the time of the explosion, which killed 169 men. His body was never found and remains at the bottom of the No. 1 mine.
The John Cox family and the Joseph Cox family, both from Hanna were not related.
In one of your emails, you asked if Susannah Angwin, wife of Joseph Angwin was the daughter of John Cox who was killed in the 1903 explosion and never found. Yes, she was. I have attached the only photo I have of John Cox and his family when they were living in What Cheer, Iowa. The photo is probably before 1886 since son John is still wearing short pants and I believe they didn't change to long pants until 15 or 16. John was born in Wales in 1870. Susannah lost many relatives to the Hanna mines. In 1903 she lost her father John Cox and brother John. In 1908 she lost her son in law Harry Lyon (married to her daughter Annie) and brother in law James Smeaton (married to her sister Mary). And of course, in 1913 she lost her husband Joseph Angwin. As far as I know her own sons never worked in the mines. (Janet Green, family member)
Cox, John H. (Inquest); Cox John H. Sr. (MIR); Cox, J. H. (MM
John Cox Sr. a Fire Boss, was killed in the 1903 explosion of the Union Pacific Coal Company's No. 1 mine in Hanna. His body was not found, consequently not removed from the mine. His was the only body not removed from the mine from the June 30, 1903 explosion. John has a memorial stone in Plot 202 in the Hanna cemetery. (BL)
Cox, John R. Jr. (Inquest); Aka: Cox, John R. (MIR); Cox, J. H. Jr. (MM)
John Cox Jr., an English-speaking miner from the United Kingdom, married, was killed in the June 30, 1903 explosion of Union Pacific Coal Company's No. 1 mine in Hanna. He was found at entry 28 outside the 5th crosscut, identified and removed from the mine on December 2, 1903, day 158 after the explosion. He was buried in Plot 202 in the Hanna cemetery. (BL)
John Cox and his family lived in Cheer Iowa prior to moving to Hanna, Wyoming. (Janet Green)
Od Carbon and Hanna Death and Burial Records
Cox, Ann
Cemetery: Hanna
Headstone: "1846 - 1924; Mother"
Plot: 202
Born: 1846
Died: 1924
Age: 78 y's
Note: Ann is the wife of John H. Cox who was killed in the 1903 explosion and not recovered from the bottom of the Union Pacific Coal Company's No. 1 mine in Hanna.
Cemetery: Hanna
Headstone: "1846 - 1924; Mother"
Plot: 202
Born: 1846
Died: 1924
Age: 78 y's
Note: Ann is the wife of John H. Cox who was killed in the 1903 explosion and not recovered from the bottom of the Union Pacific Coal Company's No. 1 mine in Hanna.
Cox, John H. (Inquest); Cox John H. Sr. (MIR); Cox, J. H. (MM)
Hanna Monument: At the top of Hanna Hill stands a Memorial Monument dedicated to the men who lost their lives in the explosions of the Union Pacific Coal Company's No. 1 Mine in Hanna. The Monument also marks the area where 28 of the men were killed, but not recovered and their bodies remain at the bottom of the mine.
Memorial Headstone: "1845 - 1903" "Farewell my wife and children all. From you a father. Christ doth call.
Mourn not for me; it is in rain. To call me to your sight again."
Plot: 202
Born: 1845
Died: June 30, 1903
Age: 58 y's
Note: John Cox Sr. a Fire Boss, was killed in the 1903 explosion of the Union Pacific Coal Company's No. 1 mine in Hanna. His body was not found, consequently not removed from the mine. His was the only body not removed from the mine from the June 30, 1903 explosion. (BL)
Note: John Cox was killed in the June 30, 1903 explosion of Hanna mine No. 1. His body was not recover and is still at the bottom of the mine. (BL)
More at: The Hanna Miner Monuments Located Next to the Hanna Recreation Center and in the Hanna Cemetery
Hanna Monument: At the top of Hanna Hill stands a Memorial Monument dedicated to the men who lost their lives in the explosions of the Union Pacific Coal Company's No. 1 Mine in Hanna. The Monument also marks the area where 28 of the men were killed, but not recovered and their bodies remain at the bottom of the mine.
Memorial Headstone: "1845 - 1903" "Farewell my wife and children all. From you a father. Christ doth call.
Mourn not for me; it is in rain. To call me to your sight again."
Plot: 202
Born: 1845
Died: June 30, 1903
Age: 58 y's
Note: John Cox Sr. a Fire Boss, was killed in the 1903 explosion of the Union Pacific Coal Company's No. 1 mine in Hanna. His body was not found, consequently not removed from the mine. His was the only body not removed from the mine from the June 30, 1903 explosion. (BL)
Note: John Cox was killed in the June 30, 1903 explosion of Hanna mine No. 1. His body was not recover and is still at the bottom of the mine. (BL)
More at: The Hanna Miner Monuments Located Next to the Hanna Recreation Center and in the Hanna Cemetery
Cox, John R. Jr. (Inquest); Aka: Cox, John R. (MIR); Cox, J. H. Jr. (MM)
Cemetery: Hanna
Headstone: "1870 - 1903" "Oh wife and mother dear don't weep for me For I am not dead but sleeping here."
Plot: 202
Born: 1870
Died: June 30, 1903
Age: 33 y's
Note: John, an English speaking miner from the United Kingdom, married, was killed in the June 30, 1903 explosion of Union Pacific Coal Company's No. 1 mine in Hanna. He was found at entry 28 outside the 5th crosscut, identified and removed from the mine on December 2, 1903, day 158 after the explosion. He was buried in Plot 202 in the Hanna cemetery. (BL)
More at: The Hanna Miner Monuments Located Next to the Hanna Recreation Center and in the Hanna Cemetery
Cemetery: Hanna
Headstone: "1870 - 1903" "Oh wife and mother dear don't weep for me For I am not dead but sleeping here."
Plot: 202
Born: 1870
Died: June 30, 1903
Age: 33 y's
Note: John, an English speaking miner from the United Kingdom, married, was killed in the June 30, 1903 explosion of Union Pacific Coal Company's No. 1 mine in Hanna. He was found at entry 28 outside the 5th crosscut, identified and removed from the mine on December 2, 1903, day 158 after the explosion. He was buried in Plot 202 in the Hanna cemetery. (BL)
More at: The Hanna Miner Monuments Located Next to the Hanna Recreation Center and in the Hanna Cemetery