Albertus "Jumbo" Peterson
Page by Bob Leathers
January 5, 1894: Tom Morris a tie hacker from Elk Mountain shot and killed gambler Albert "Jumbo" Peterson over cheating at a game of poker.
Albert Peterson, alias “Jumbo,” Killed by Tom Morris
The Trouble Was Caused Over a Game of Cards -- Morris Arrested and Now in the Carbon Jail.
A little after 8 o’clock last night Albert Peterson, better known in this city as “Jumbo” was shot and instantly killed in Carbon by a tie chopper named Tom Morris.
Yesterday, Morris, who recently came in from an Elk Mountain tie camp met Jumbo, and the pair started a game of draw poker in a saloon kept by a man named Jackson. After playing several hours it is stated that Morris caught Jumbo in the act of slipping a card on him. He called the latter down saying that his work was too course and the game broke up. Some strong language was passed between the two men and Morris finally left the place remarking as he went out that if his late partner followed him he would get killed.
As soon as Morris left Jumbo arose and went after him, closing the saloon door behind him. A few seconds afterwards the inmates of the place were alarmed by hearing the report of a revolver and rushing out found Jumbo lying dead in the street. He had been shot through the abdomen and his death was instantaneous.
Morris gave himself up at once. He claims that Jumbo kept following him after he had warned him to keep away and that he had killed him in self defense.
The murdered man was well known in this city and lived here about a year ago. He was known as an expert tinhorn gambler and was very proficient in the art of manipulating the cards in a way to suit his own cards. He was about 28 years of age and the nickname of Jumbo was given to him on account of his colossal proportions.
Peterson was considered a good natured man and came to this country from Denmark about twelve years ago, going direct from the old country to Carbon, where he now has a wife. His parents, who now in Denmark are said to be very well to do, and the victim a man of superior education.
Morris was placed in the town jail last night and for want of a better resting place the corpse of his victim was laid just outside of his cell and in plain view of the man who had taken his life.
Soon after the shooting took place the coroner was summoned and an inquest is being held this afternoon.
There was great excitement in Carbon at the time of the shooting, and for a while it looked as though the friends of the murdered man would make short work of the prisoner. This feeling was soon quieted down, however, and no trouble in that direction is now anticipated. (Laramie Republican. Jan. 6, 1894)
January 7, 1894: Another version of the Peterson murder was printed in the Cheyenne Daily Leader.
A Tie Chopper Shoots a Sporting Man
Rawlins, Jan. 6.---About 8:30 last evening at Carbon, Thos. Morrison shot and killed Albert Peterson, better known as Jumbo. Morrison is a tie chopper while Jumbo was a gambler. Morrison and Jumbo had some words over cards at Lewis’ saloon. From there they went into Jackson’s, where Morrison said Jumbo was following him and he did not like it. Jumbo soon went out the back door, Morrison soon leaving by the front door. As Morrison was crossing the railroad track in front of the Scranton house, Jumbo came up behind him, when Morrison turned around and shot him in the breast, using a 45 Colt revolver. Morrison returned to Jackson’s saloon, saying he had killed Jumbo and gave up his gun. Morrison waived a preliminary examination and was brought to Rawlins this evening and lodged in jail. There was considerable feeling at Carbon last night with strong talk of lynching, which cooler heads only prevented. (Cheyenne Daily Leader, Jan. 7, 1894)
Peterson, "Jumbo" Albertus
Cemetery: Carbon
Monument: "Born in Silkborg, Denmark, Killed Jan. 5, 1894, Aged 30 y's"
Born: 1864
Died: Jan. 5, 1894
Age: 30 y's.
Note: Albertus "Jumbo" Peterson was born in Silkborg, Denmark. He was murdered January 5, 1894 at the age of 30 and buried in the Carbon, Carbon, Wyoming cemetery. (Ancestry) (BL)
Cemetery: Carbon
Monument: "Born in Silkborg, Denmark, Killed Jan. 5, 1894, Aged 30 y's"
Born: 1864
Died: Jan. 5, 1894
Age: 30 y's.
Note: Albertus "Jumbo" Peterson was born in Silkborg, Denmark. He was murdered January 5, 1894 at the age of 30 and buried in the Carbon, Carbon, Wyoming cemetery. (Ancestry) (BL)