Nicholas "Nick" and Ada Siltamaki
Page by Terri (Siltamaki) Schreihart and Steven Siltamaki with contributions from Bob Leathers
Life Story
1887: Nick Siltamaki was born in Wyoming to Gust and Wilhelmina Siltamaki.
1910: Nicholas Siltamaki, age 22, was living in Carbon, Carbon, Wyoming. He was single and a Farmer by occupation. (1910 US Census)
1913 May 10: Nicholas M. Siltamaki married Ada M. Loring in Denver, Colorado. (Colorado Marriage Records)
1915 June 1: Nicholas Siltamaki purchased 149.32 acres of land in Carbon County, Wyoming: Township: 023 N; Range:079 W; Aliquots: SE¼NW¼; Section:6; Accession Number: 475977; Document Number: 07352 (US Land Office Records)
1916: Nick Siltamaki, a young ranchman of Difficulty, was killed by lightning while gathering cattle. The bolt struck him on the head, passing through his body to the horse, which was also killed. Nick was buried in the Carbon, Carbon, Wyoming cemetery in the Siltamaki plot. (The Miner, Sept. 22, 1916) (Ancestry) (BL)
Nick Siltamaki
Nick Siltamaki started a ranch separate from the Siltamaki Ranch. Attached is a picture of his private livestock brand. (Steven Siltamaki)
Siltamaki, Nick
Cemetery: Carbon
Headstone: "1887 - 1916"; Shares stone with siblings, Emil, Ida, Axel, Infant Daughter & John Siltamaki.
Born: 1887
Died: 1916
Age: 29 y's
Note: Nick Siltamaki, a young ranchman of Difficulty, was killed by lightning while gathering cattle. The bolt struck him on the head, passing through his body to the horse, which was also killed. (The Miner, Sept. 22, 1916)
Cemetery: Carbon
Headstone: "1887 - 1916"; Shares stone with siblings, Emil, Ida, Axel, Infant Daughter & John Siltamaki.
Born: 1887
Died: 1916
Age: 29 y's
Note: Nick Siltamaki, a young ranchman of Difficulty, was killed by lightning while gathering cattle. The bolt struck him on the head, passing through his body to the horse, which was also killed. (The Miner, Sept. 22, 1916)