Edward "Breezy" While
Page by Bob Leathers
Life Story
1900 October 13: Edward While was born in Hanna, Wyoming to John While Sr.and Louisa (Hadley) While.
1920: Edward While, age 19, single, a laborer in a coal mine was living with his mother and father John and Lousia While.
1928: Edward "Breezy" While married Caryle Weinbrant in Hanna, Wyoming.
1929: Mr. and Mrs. Ed While returned from a motor trip to Oregon and Washington. (UPCCEM, June 1929)
1933: Mr. and Mrs. Winebrant of Nebraska visited here with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed While. (UPCCEM, Sept. 1933)
1935: Ed While was the Union Pacific Coal Company's underground section 5 foreman of the No. 4 Mine in Hanna. (UPCCEM, Sept. 1935)
1935 December 4: Mrs. Edward While entertained at a bridge foursome at her home in honor of Mrs. McClelland on Tuesday evening. Her guests were Mrs. Frank Amoss, Mrs. Henry Jones and the honored guest. (UPCCEM, Jan. 1935)
1936: Ed While returned from Denver where he went to consult a specialist for an injury the occurred in the Union Pacific Coal Company's No. 4 Mine in Hanna. (UPCCEM, May 1936)
1940: Edward While, age 38, divorced, a graduate of 7th grade, a Unit Foreman in a coal mine was living with his brother Job While, age 46, single, head of house, a Hoist Operator at the coal mine, completed 4th grade, living in house #8, and his mother Louisa While, age 75, widowed, along with a lodger Isaac Morrison, age 53, single, born in England, a janitor by occupation in a private hospital in Hanna, Wyoming. (1940 US Census)
1942 February 18: Edward While, married, age 41, working for the Union Pacific Coal Company, registered for the draft in Rawlins, Wyoming. Ed was 5' 7" with blue eyes and brown hair. (US Registration Card, 1942)
1941: Ed While was a Charter Member of the Union Pacific Coal Company's Sigma Tau Epsilon Mine Safety Fraternity (UNCCEM, April 1941)
1951 November 22: Edward "Breezy" While, age 51 and Josephine A. Pinta married in Los Angeles, California. (California Marriage Index)
1961 July 15: Edward "Breezy" While died in Los Angeles County, California, at the age of 59 and was buried in Live Oak Memorial Park in Monrovia, Los Angeles, California.
1981 November 26: Josephine Anna While died in Los Angeles, California at age 78.