John "Jackie" and Louisa (Roberts) While
Page by Bob Leathers
Life Story
1856 August 03: John "Jackie" While was born in Netherton, Dudley, Worcestershire, England to Henry Richard and Sarah (Roberts) While. He was born in an area of England called the Black Country.
1861: John While, age 4, born in Dudley, Worcestershire, England was living with his father, head of house, a miner, age 36 born in Netherton, and his mother Sarah, age 34, born in Netherton. His siblings were: Mary A. While, age 12, born in Netherton; Samuel While, age 12, born in Netherton; William H. While, age 8, born in Netherton; and James While, age 7 months, born in Netherton. (1861 England Census)
1864 September 26: Louisa Hadley was born in West Bromwich, Staffordshire, England when her father, John, was 32, and her mother, Sarah, was 30. West Bromwich is part of the area in England called the Black Country.
1882 April 23: Lousia Hadley was confirmed at the Christ Church in West Bromwich England.
1885-1887: John While immigrated to Carbon, Wyoming in the United States to work in the Carbon, Wyoming Coal Mines.
1885: John "Jackie" While was recruited to Carbon, Wyoming by his Aunt and Uncle Elizabeth and Richard Cox and cousin Joseph Cox to work in the coal mines at Carbon.
1887: The Union Pacific coal mines at Carbon were operating, but the mineable coal was diminishing. A new source of coal was needed. A new source was found at Chimney Springs, which would later become Hanna, Wyoming.
1888: The Hanna town site at Chimney Springs was surveyed and the area explored for coal mine locations. Mark Hanna, at the request of the Union Pacific Railroad, toured the Wyoming coal mines. On his trip he visited the newly discovered coal fields at Chimney Springs for possible expansion. He recommended the coal field be developed. When the decision to move the coal operation from Carbon to Hanna was made, the coal site at Chimney Springs was named Hanna after Mark Hanna.
1889 January 30: The United States Post Office Department established a Post Office at Hanna and appointed George F. Doane as postmaster.
1889 September 30: Wyoming approved the first state constitution to grant women in Hanna the right to vote.
1889: Workers spent their time in Hanna developing the Union Pacific Coal Company's No. 1 Mine and No. 2 Mine along with building the town. Living conditions in Hanna during the winter of 1889 were difficult. The workers lived in tents and were exposed to the winter weather with little protection from Wyoming's cold and windy conditions.
1890 June 19: A fierce fire broke out in Carbon and burned most of the business district to the ground. A few reports indicate the fire started in the Scranton House hotel where a guest knocked over a kerosene lamp. The fire fighters even tried dynamiting a few buildings in hopes of stopping the fire from spreading, but their efforts were not successful. Immediately after the fire, the people and businesses started rebuilding the town and new laws and ordinances were passed to help avoid such a thing from happening again.
1891 October 26: John While married Louisa Hadley at St. John's Church, Kate's Hill, in Dudley, Worcestershire, England. Samuel While, John's brother and Jane Hadley, Louisa's sister witnessed the marriage.
1991: Louisa (Hadley) While immigrated for the first time and John While returned to Hanna, Wyoming from Netherton, Worcestershire, England. They were one of the first people to travel by train on the Carbon Cut Off.
October 17, 1894: John became a citizen of the United States of America. "Be it remembered that on the 17th day of October in the year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety-four John While appeared in the District Court in Rawlins the said Court being a Court of Record, having common law jurisdiction, and a Clerk and Seal and applied to the said Court to be admitted to become a Citizen of the United States of America." (Certificate of Citizenship)
1894: Labor Day became a federal holiday to be observed the first Monday in September. It was created to pay tribute to the contribution and achievements of American workers. Labor Day in Hanna was one of the most celebrated holidays.
1900 February 10: John While of Hanna adopted for the purpose of branding livestock the following described brand -
J W - John While claims the exclusive right to use such brand within the County of Carbon and the State of Wyoming, for the purpose aforesaid, as provided by law. Witness by T.H. Butler. (State of Wyoming Brand Certificate)
J W - John While claims the exclusive right to use such brand within the County of Carbon and the State of Wyoming, for the purpose aforesaid, as provided by law. Witness by T.H. Butler. (State of Wyoming Brand Certificate)
1900 June 8: John While, age 42 a coal miner was living in Hanna with his wife Louisa (Hadley) While, age 35. along with four of their children in house #183. John and Louisa had been married for nine years. Louisa had five children four of whom were alive in 1900. The children living with them were: Job While, age 6; Sarah While, age 5; John While, age 3; and William While, age 1. John immigrated to the United States in 1885, Louisa (Hadley) While in 1891. (1900 U.S. Census)
1903 June 30: The Union Pacific Coal Company's No. 1 Mine John While was working in exploded at about 10:30 in the morning killing 169 men. John was not in the mine at the time of the explosion because it happened in the morning and he was working the night shift at the time. His brothers James "Jim" While Sr. and Jobe "Job" While along with his nephew James "Jimmy" While Jr. were all working that day and were killed in the explosion. John While was an experienced miner. He was interviewed in the 1903 Explosion Inquest.
1908 May 18: Gernald While son of John and Lousia died at age 2. He was buried in the Hanna cemetery in lot 92 located above the South road toward the middle of the cemetery.
1910: John While, age 54 a coal miner was living with his wife Louisa (Hadley) While, age 45 in house #235. They were married for 18 years. Louisa had nine children nine of which 7 were still alive. They had seven children living with them: Job While, age 17; Sarah While, age 13; John While, age 12; William While, age 11; Eddie While, age 9; Robert While, age 8; and James While, age 5. (1910 US Census)
1914 Sept. 9: Mrs. John While and Mrs. Richard Cox left for Hanna last Saturday. Mrs. John While [Louisa] of Hanna, has been visiting her aunt Mrs. Richard Cox this week. Mrs. Cox will return with her niece to Hanna to spend the winter. (Rock Springs Miner, Sept. 9, 1914)
1920 January 16: John While, age 64 and his wife Louisa, age 56 were living in house #10 in Hanna. Living with them were six of their sons: Job While, age 26, a laborer in the coal mine; John While, age 23, a laborer in the coal mine; William While, age 21 a laborer in the coal mine; Edward While, age 19, a laborer in the coal mine; Robert While, age 17 a laborer in the coal mine; and James While, age 14 a farmer. (1920 US Census)
1920: The John While family men was working in the Union Pacific Coal Company's No. 2 Mine and No. 4 Mine in Hanna.
1920 May 22: John "Jackie" While, age 66, along with his wife Louisa and his minor son James "Jimmy" While travelled back to the England to visit relatives. John's address at the time was P.O. Box 356, Hanna, Wyoming and his travel destination was 74 Lord J Birmingham, England. (John While Passport #40677)
1926 June 6: Mrs. James Russie and Jane (Cox) Pickering of Rock Springs visited their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jackie While in Hanna. (Hanna Notes, Wyoming Reporter, Rawlins Wyoming, June 29, 1926)
1934 October 21: John "Jackie" While died at age 78 of organic heart disease. At the time of his death he was a miner by occupation and worked for the Union Pacific Coal Company. He was buried in the Hanna Cemetery in Lot 91.
The Death of John While Sr.
The death of John While Sr. on October 21, 1934 marks the passing of one of the oldest "old timers" in Hanna. He was born in England August 3, 1856 and came to Old Carbon the early part of 1888. Later upon coming to Hanna he worked in Nos. 1 and 2 mines. He also was employed at Dana. In 1891 he went back to England to visit relatives and was then married to Miss Louisa Hadley. The couple returned to Hanna the same year and resided there ever since. He leaves a widow and six sons, Job, John Jr., William B., Edward, Robert and James, one daughter, Mrs. Robert Cummings and nine grandchildren. Funeral services were held at the Episcopal Church, October 24, with Dean Kraft officiating. Interment in the Hanna cemetery. (UPCCEM, December 1934)
Mr. John While, Sr.
Seventy-one years old and still known to everyone in the community as “Jackie” bespeaks a community’s understanding of one who is wholly a part of it. And thus, it is with Mr. Jackie While, member of the Old Timers’ Association, who was born and grew to young manhood in England. He came to the United States and has worked in Dana and Old Carbon and later in Hanna when it succeeded the now closed but not forgotten towns.
Three years after coming to America Mr. While went back to be married and to bring his bride to the New Land, returning directly to Hanna where has been his home ever since. In 1920, he returned to England with his eldest son, a trip he thoroughly enjoyed. But he missed friends who had gone from the old haunts (UPCCEM, December 1927)
1942 December 15: Loisa (Hadley) While passed away in Hanna, Wyoming at the age of 78. She was buried in the Hanna Cemetery next to her husband John "Jackie" While.
Mrs. Lousia While - Hanna Old Timer
The passing of Mrs. Lousia While on December 15th at 8:30 P.M., at the age of 78, removed from our midst another beloved "old timer" who will be greatly missed. Mrs. Louisa (Hadley) While was very active until last April when she had a heart attack and was taken to the Hospital where she remained under treatment for fourteen weeks, being able then to return home. She stayed with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Cummings for a time and had been in her home but a short period when she suffered another heart attack and was taken to the Hospital again on September 5th, where she was confined to her bed steadily growing weaker until death relieved her suffering. Born in West Bromwich, England on September 26, 1864, she came to this country 51 years ago and has resided in Hanna ever since. Surviving relatives are one daughter, Mrs. Sarah Cummings, six sons, Job, John, Edward, Robert and James, all of Hanna and William who is in the U.S. Army as well as fourteen grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Funeral services were held at St. Mark's Episcopal Church December 18th at 10:00 A.M. with Reverend H. Heard officiating and burial was made in the Hanna Cemetery. Out-of-town relatives who attended the funeral were Mrs. Ted Gill, a niece, and Lester Cox, a nephew of Hillrose, Colorado and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Armstrong and Mrs. Lizzy Rouzi of Rock Springs. (UPCCEM, February 1943)
- John "Jackie" and Louisa (Hadley) While had eight children in fourteen years:
- Jobe "Job" While (1893 - 1964)
- Sarah While (1895 - 1980)
- John "Jack" While (1897 - 1955)
- William Henry "Bill" While (1898 - 1980)
- Edward "Ed" While (1901 - 1961)
- Robert "Bob" While (1902 - 1990)
- James Richard "Jimmy" While (1905 - 1971)
- Gernald While (1908 - 1910)
Mr. And Mrs. John While, Sr., of Hanna
John and Louisa While were from the Black Country in England. John was the son of Henry and Sarah (Roberts) While.
Snowing Outside: (Back) Job While, Jessie (Tennant) While, holding Dorothy While, Bill While, Sarah (While) Cummings, holding Bobby Cummings, Bob Cummings, John While Jr., James While, Bob While, Caryle (Weinbrant) While, Edward While (Front) Elizabeth Cummings, John While Sr., Louisa (Hadley) While, Ellen Cummings, Violet While and Dog Dan (Christmas Day 1928) (While Family Collection from Bob Leathers)
While, John Sr.
Cemetery: Hanna
Headstone: "1856 - 1934; Father; Rest in Peace" Shares a stone with Louisa While.
Plot: 91
Born: Aug. 3, 1856
Died: Oct. 21, 1934
Age: 78 y's, 2 m's, 18 y's
Note: The death of John While, Sr., on October 21, 1934, marks the passing of one of the oldest old timers in Hanna. He was born in England, August 3, 1856, and came to old Carbon the early part of 1888. Later, upon coming to Hanna, he worked in Nos. 1 and 2 mines. He also was employed at Dana. In 1891, he went back to England to visit relatives and was then married to Miss Louisa Hadley. The couple returned to Hanna the same year and resided there ever since. He leaves a widow and six sons, Job, John Jr., William H., Edward, Robert and James, one daughter, Mrs. Robert Cummings, and nine grandchildren. Funeral Services were held at the Episcopal Church, October 24, with Dean Kraft officiating, interment in the Hanna cemetery. (UPCCEM, December 1934)
Cemetery: Hanna
Headstone: "1856 - 1934; Father; Rest in Peace" Shares a stone with Louisa While.
Plot: 91
Born: Aug. 3, 1856
Died: Oct. 21, 1934
Age: 78 y's, 2 m's, 18 y's
Note: The death of John While, Sr., on October 21, 1934, marks the passing of one of the oldest old timers in Hanna. He was born in England, August 3, 1856, and came to old Carbon the early part of 1888. Later, upon coming to Hanna, he worked in Nos. 1 and 2 mines. He also was employed at Dana. In 1891, he went back to England to visit relatives and was then married to Miss Louisa Hadley. The couple returned to Hanna the same year and resided there ever since. He leaves a widow and six sons, Job, John Jr., William H., Edward, Robert and James, one daughter, Mrs. Robert Cummings, and nine grandchildren. Funeral Services were held at the Episcopal Church, October 24, with Dean Kraft officiating, interment in the Hanna cemetery. (UPCCEM, December 1934)
While, Louisa
Cemetery: Hanna
Headstone: "1864 - 1942; Mother; Rest in Peace" Shares a stone with John While.
Plot: 91
Born: Sept. 26, 1864
Died: Dec. 15, 1942
Age: 78 y's, 2 m's, 19 d's
Note: The passing of Mrs. Louisa While on December 15th, at 8:30 p.m., at the age of 78, removed from our midst another beloved old timer who will be greatly missed. Mrs. Louisa Hadley While was very active until last April, when she had a heart attack and was taken to the Hospital, where she remained under treatment for fourteen weeks, being then able to return home. She stayed with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Cummings, for a time, and had been in her own home but for a short period when she suffered another heart attack and was taken to the Hospital again on September 5th, where she was confined to her bed, steadily growing weaker until death relieved her suffering.
Born in Westbromich, England, on September 26, 1864, she came to this country 51 years ago, and had resided in Hanna ever since. Surviving relatives are one daughter, Mrs. Sarah Cummings, six sons, Job, John, Edward, Robert, and James, all of Hanna, and William, who is in the U.S. Army, as well as fourteen grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Funeral services were held at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church December 18th, at 10 a.m., with Rev. H. Heard officiating, and burial was made in the Hanna cemetery. Out-of-town relatives who attended the funeral were Mrs. Ted Gill, a niece, and Lester Cox, a nephew, of Hilrose, Colorado, and Mr. And Mrs. Thos. Armstrong and Mrs. Lizzy Rouzi, of Rock Springs. (UPCCEM, February 1943)
Cemetery: Hanna
Headstone: "1864 - 1942; Mother; Rest in Peace" Shares a stone with John While.
Plot: 91
Born: Sept. 26, 1864
Died: Dec. 15, 1942
Age: 78 y's, 2 m's, 19 d's
Note: The passing of Mrs. Louisa While on December 15th, at 8:30 p.m., at the age of 78, removed from our midst another beloved old timer who will be greatly missed. Mrs. Louisa Hadley While was very active until last April, when she had a heart attack and was taken to the Hospital, where she remained under treatment for fourteen weeks, being then able to return home. She stayed with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Cummings, for a time, and had been in her own home but for a short period when she suffered another heart attack and was taken to the Hospital again on September 5th, where she was confined to her bed, steadily growing weaker until death relieved her suffering.
Born in Westbromich, England, on September 26, 1864, she came to this country 51 years ago, and had resided in Hanna ever since. Surviving relatives are one daughter, Mrs. Sarah Cummings, six sons, Job, John, Edward, Robert, and James, all of Hanna, and William, who is in the U.S. Army, as well as fourteen grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Funeral services were held at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church December 18th, at 10 a.m., with Rev. H. Heard officiating, and burial was made in the Hanna cemetery. Out-of-town relatives who attended the funeral were Mrs. Ted Gill, a niece, and Lester Cox, a nephew, of Hilrose, Colorado, and Mr. And Mrs. Thos. Armstrong and Mrs. Lizzy Rouzi, of Rock Springs. (UPCCEM, February 1943)