Job "Jobe" While
Page by Bob Leathers
Life Story
1893 July 19: Job "Jobe" While was born in Hanna, Wyoming to John Sr. and Louisa (Roberts) While.
1893 - 1964: Jobe While never married.
1935: Job was seriously injured in the Union Pacific Coal Company's No. 4 Mine in Hanna.
While, Job - American, age 43, rope rider, Hanna No. 4 Mine. Fracture and laceration of all toes of right foot with amputation of three middle toes. Period of disability estimated four weeks. Job was rope rider on main slope hoisting rope. He was riding a loaded trip from a lower level to another entry above, and as he attempted to step off the moving trip at the top entry, he stepped on a piece of loose coal, lost his balance and swung around causing him to fall and several cars of loaded trip passed over toes of right foot. Clean haulage roads with tight cars, enabling the mine management to maintain clean track, are essential to prevent such accidents. Rope riders should also exercise more precaution in alighting from a moving trip. (UPCCEM, Dec. 1935)
1942: After the death of his mother whom he had lived with since birth, Job went to live with his sister Sarah (While) and brother-in-law Robert Cummings.
1955: The While boys, James "Jimmy", Robert "Bob", William "Bill" and Jobe "Job" While attended the funeral of their brother John "Jack" While. Job had four brothers, the missing brother in the picture was Edward "Ed" While who was living in California and could not make the funeral. (BL)
Attending John "Jack" While Jr.'s funeral were his brothers - James "Jimmy" While, Robert "Bob" While, William "Bill" While and Jobe "Job" While - all sons of John "Jackie" While Sr. and Louisa. Missing in the picture is Edward "Ed" While who lived in California at the time of his brother's funeral. (While Family Collection from Bob Leathers)
1964 August 9: Job While died in Saratoga, Wyoming at the age of 71. He was buried in the Hanna Cemetery in the same plot 91 as his parents. (BL)