While, "Sam" Samuel and Thomasina (Dickenson)
Page by Bob Leathers
Life Story
1904 March 29: Samuel "Sam" While was born in Netherton, Dudley, Worcestershire, England to James and Eliza Ann (Allen) While in the Black Country.
1908 June 5: Thomasina "Tommy" Dickenson was born in Cheyenne, Wyoming to Elizabeth (Jackson) and Samuel "Sam" Dickenson.
1911 June 19: At Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Samuel While, age 7, immigrated to the United States with his mother Eliza Ann (Allen) While and her family arrived from England going to Forbes Colorado to join her husband who had immigrated earlier to work for Joseph "Joe" Cox.
1921 January 19: Samuel "Sam" While was in the Union Pacific Coal Company's Hanna No. 4 Mine with his father, James While was killed from a fall of coal.
James While, English, age 40, married, widow and seven children, six of them under the age of sixteen, killed in No. 4 on January 19, 1921. Loader, he was employed by the Union Pacific Coal Company at their No. 4 mine, Hanna, Carbon County. Deceased and his son were working as partners loading coal in No. 4 room north "E" plane. They had worked all day in the room and were in the act of connecting wires, making preparations for shooting when a large slab of coal fell from the face, part of which struck him inflicting injuries from which he died two hours afterwards. Deceased was credited with being a very practical mining man. (1921 Mine Inspector Report)
1927 August 27: Samuel "Sam" While and Thomasina "Tommy" Dickenson were married in Ogden, Utah.
1929: Mr. and Mrs. Sam While and daughter left [Hanna} for Berkley, California where they will reside permanently. (UPCCEM, Sept. 1929)
1938: Mr. and Mrs. Sam While and children of Berkeley, California, motored to Hanna for Memorial Day and spent a few weeks visiting relatives and friends. On their return, Mrs. Eliza While accompanied them and will visit there for some time. (UPCCEM, July 1938)
1941 August: Sam While and daughter, Nancy of Berkley, California, visited here for a few weeks with Mr. While's mother, Mrs. Eliza While. (UPCCEM, Sept. 1941)
1946: Thomasina "Tommy" (Dickinson), age 38, divorced Samuel While.
1950: Thomasina "Tommy" (Dickenson) (While) married Virgil Capurro in California.
1977 February 15: Samuel "Sam" While, age 72, died in Colusa, California and was buried in College City Cemetery near Arbuckle, California.
1981 February 27: Thomasina "Tommy" Dickenson passed away at Pleasant Hill, California. She was 72 years old at her time of death.
Samuel "Sam" and Thomasina "Tommy" (Dickinson) While had two children together:
- Elizabeth Irene While (1928 - 1977) Born June 18 in Hanna, Wyoming. Married Charles Fanucchi then married Gene Phips. Died April 27, 1977 in Duarte, California at age 48.
- Nancy While (1914 - 1998) Married Donal Gardner Swan. Three children: Terrace Craig Swan, Tamara Lynn Swan and one still living. Died March 3, 1998, at Pleasant Hill, Contra Costa, California.