James and Eliza Ann (Allen) While
Page by Bob Leathers
Life Story
1880 October 05: James While was born in Netherton, Dudley, Worcestershire, England to Samuel and Pricilla (Ball) While.
1881 April 3: James While, age 6 months was living with his parents Samuel, age 31, a coal miner and Pricilla, age 30 at 54 Bumble Hole in Netherton, Worcestershire, England. Also living with them were his sisters and brother; Sarah While, age 10, Esther While, age 5, and Henry While, age 2. (1881 U.K. Census)
1882 June 10: Eliza Ann Allen was born in Tipton, England to Samuel and Ann (Lynn) Allen.
1891: James While's grandfather Henry While ran a grocery store in his elderly years. Upon Henry's death Samuel While the oldest son took over the grocery business and moved into his father's home with his mother at 73 Halesowen Road in Netherton.
1891: James While, age 10, was living with his parents Samuel While, age 40 a coal miner and Pricilla While, age 40 at 73 Halesowen Road in Netherton, England. Six of his brothers and sisters were living with them as well; Sarah While, age 20, single and working as a servant, Esther While, age 15, single and working as a servant, Henry While, age 12, a scholar, Pricilla While, age 8, a scholar, Job While age 6, a scholar and Elizabeth While, age 3 a scholar.
Also living in the home was Sarah While, age 68, James's grandmother, living on her own means, John While, age 36, [Samuel's brother and James's uncle,] a coal miner, visiting from Carbon, Wyoming in the United States and Richard While, age 21, James's uncle, a coal miner.
Henry While, James's grandfather was dead by this date. He died sometime between 1881 and 1891. (1891 U.K. Census)
Also living in the home was Sarah While, age 68, James's grandmother, living on her own means, John While, age 36, [Samuel's brother and James's uncle,] a coal miner, visiting from Carbon, Wyoming in the United States and Richard While, age 21, James's uncle, a coal miner.
Henry While, James's grandfather was dead by this date. He died sometime between 1881 and 1891. (1891 U.K. Census)
1907 March: James, a coal miner and Eliza While had a son John While born to them. The family was living at 10 Park Road in Netherton, Worcestershire, England. (note: 10 Park Road is off Halesowen Road just north of the junction of Halesowen Road & Northfield Road). The road leads to Netherton Park which was created in the 1880’s by the Victorian District Council. (Birth Certificate)
1910 About: James While left Netherton, England for the United States to work for Joseph "Joe" Cox at his coal mine in Forbes, Colorado. Eliza While was pregnant with Samuel at the time and was not able to make the trip. Eliza would follow in 1911 accompanied by William H. While, James's uncle. William must have returned to England, because there is no evidence of him staying in the United States. (BL)
1911 June 19: Eliza Ann While, age 30, sailed from Liverpool, England to meet James While in America on the S. S. Heron. She sailed from Liverpool June 7, 1917. She was accompanied by William H. While, age 55, an uncle, a miner from Netherton, England, living at Sims Lane in Netherton, England. Eliza While's three children - John While, age 4; Samuel While, age 7 and Edith While, age 8 months were traveling with her. The While family's destination on the ships manifest was Forbes, Colorado where James was already working for Joseph Cox at Joseph's private Coal Mine.
1912 July 26: James While, age 32 and Eliza (Allen) While and the rest of the family were living in Reliance Wyoming. Joseph "Joe" While was born on this date in Reliance. Joseph was the first child of James and Eliza to be born in the United States.
1914 April 20: The Ludlow Massacre of Colorado Coal miners occurred. It was an attack by the Colorado National Guard and the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, owned by John D. Rockefeller, on a tent colony of 1,200 striking coal miners and their families at Ludlow, Colorado. It had a profound effect on the Hanna miners.
1917 January 14: James and Eliza (Allen) While were living in Reliance, Wyoming. James was working in the coal mine there. Sarah Ann While was born on this date in Reliance.
1917 October 22: James and Eliza moved from Reliance, Wyoming back to Aguilar, Colorado where Alice Priscilla While was born on this date.
1918: James and Eliza (Allen) While became naturalized citizens of the United States.
1919 December 7: James and Eliza were still living in Aguilar Colorado. Katherine, James and Eliza's eighth child, was born on this date in Aguilar.
1920 January: James While, age 39, a fire boss in the coal mine and his wife Eliza (Allen) While, age 38, were living in Aguilar Colorado in house #30. Living with them were seven of their children; Samuel While, age 17; John While, age 13; Edith While, age 9; Joseph While, age 7; Anna While, age 6; Alice While, age 3 and Virginia While, age 9 months. At this date James Jr., age about 15 the second oldest child was not living with the family. (U.S. Census)
1920: James and Eliza lived next door to Roy and Mary Cox and Joe and Ruth Cox while living in Aguilar. Roy was the Superintendent of the coal mine James was working in.
1921 January 19: James While, age 41, was killed in the Union Pacific Coal Company's No. 4 Mine in Hanna.
1921 Jan. 19: FALL OF COAL. James While, English loader, age 40 years, married, widow and seven children, six of them under the age of sixteen. He was employed by the Union Pacific Coal Company at their No. 4 mine, Hanna, Carbon County. Deceased and his son were working as partners loading coal in No. 4 room north "E" plane. They had been working all day in the room and about 3:30 P.M. James While had finished tamping a hole and was in the act of connecting wires, making preparations for shooting when a large slab of coal fell from the face, part of which struck him inflicting injuries from which he died two hours afterwards. Deceased was credited with being a very practical mining man. (1921 Mine Inspector Report)
1921 Jan. 27: James While was fatally injured in the mine last Wednesday when a huge piece of coal fell on him. He died three hours later at the hospital. The funeral took place Saturday and the body interred in the Hanna Cemetery. Mr. While is survived by his widow and seven children the oldest of whom is seventeen years of age. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to his family in their great sorrow.
Mrs. Roy Cox and Mr. Joe Cox arrived from Denver Thursday to attend the funeral of Mr. James While. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hansen came down from Rock Springs to attend the funeral of James While Saturday. Mrs. Jane Pickering of Rock Springs is visiting her brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cox. Attending the funeral of James While. (Hanna Notes, Rawlins Republican Newspaper, Rawlins, Wyoming, Thursday Jan. 27, 1921, page 11)
1929 April 24: Mrs. Eliza While and Mrs. Sam While entertains the members of the Ladies' Aid at a social at the former's home. (UPCCEM, June 1929)
1930 December: Eliza was still living in Hanna when Eliza While had the misfortune of breaking her leg when she slipped on the doorstep. An operation was necessary. (UPCCEM, Dec. 1930)
1930 April 4: Eliza (Allen) While, a widow, age 47, was living in Hanna in house #39. They paid $14.00 a month rent. She was living with five of her children; John While, single, age 23, a Meat Cutter in the Union Pacific Coal Company Meat Market; Joe While, single, age 17; Sarah Ann While, age 15; Alice While, age 13 and Katherine While, age 10. (1930 US Census)
1932 January: Mrs. Eliza While entertained in honor of her daughter Katherine's twelfth birthday. Twenty of Katherine's friends were invited to enjoy games and dainty refreshments. (UPCCEM, Jan. 1932)
1932: Mrs. Eliza While was called to Berkeley, California, on account of the illness of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Sam While. Word was received that the latter is getting along nicely after undergoing a major operation. Mrs. Eliza While will remain in California for some time. (UPCCEM, Nov. 1932)
1932: Mrs. Eliza While returned from Berkeley, California where she was called by the illness of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Sam While. (UPCCEM, Dec. 1932)
1933 March: Mrs. Eliza While entertained at a birthday party at the Community Hall in honor of her daughter Dolly. Games and dancing were enjoyed by about forty guests. Dainty refreshments were served. (UPCCEM, Mar. 1933)
1933 October 27: Mrs. Eliza While entertained at the Community Hall on October 27 at a birthday party in honor of her daughter Alice. The evening was spent in dancing after which a delicious lunch was served. (UPCCEM, Dec. 1933)
1935 April 3: Mrs. Eliza While entertained the Ladies Aid Society at her home on Wednesday, April 3. A miscellaneous shower was given at the Community Hall for Mrs. Clyde Marian, nee Dolly While, who was a recent bride. Sixty people were invited and enjoyed games and refreshments. Mrs. Marian was the recipient of many beautiful gifts. (UPCCEM, May 1935)
1938: Mr. and Mrs. Sam While and children of Berkeley, California, motored to Hanna for Memorial Day and spent a few weeks visiting relatives and friends. On their return, Mrs. Eliza While accompanied them and will visit there for some time. (UPCCEM, July 1938)
1940: Eliza Ann While, age 59, widowed, Head of House, born in England, was living in Hanna, Wyoming. She was a naturalized citizen, rented a house, with an elementary school - 8th grade education. She worked no weeks and listed no income. Living with her was Katherine V. While, a daughter, age 20, born in Colorado, single, a maid by occupation, a High School, 4-year education, a salary worker in private home. (1940 US Census)
1941 September: Sam While and daughter, Nancy of Berkley, California, visited here [Hanna] for a few weeks with Mr. While's mother, Mrs. Eliza While. (UPCCEM, Sept. 1941)
1972 March 20: Eliza While died at the age of 89 in Arbuckle, California. She was buried at College City Cemetery near Arbuckle.
James and Eliza (Allen) While had eight children together:
- Samuel "Sam" While (1904 - 1977) Born in England.
- James Henry While (1906 - 1906) Born in England. Died in England.
- John "Jack" While (1907 - 1975) Born in England.
- Edith Mae While (1910 - 1999) Born in England. Married Mark Robert Lee.
- Joseph "Joe" "Cotton" Floyd While (1912 - 1968) Born in Reliance, Wyoming. The first child to be born in the United States. Graduated from Hanna High School.
- Sarah Ann While (1915 - 2002) Born in Reliance, Wyoming. Graduated from Hanna High School. Married James Lawrence Marion. Died July 25, 2002, age 87, in Red Bluff, California.
- Alice Priscilla While (1917 - 1988) Born in Aguilar, Colorado. 1935: Graduated from Hanna High School. 1941: Married Kenneth W. Geide. Died July 5, 1988, in Alameda, California.
- Katherine Virginia While 1919 - 1968) Born in Aguilar, Colorado. Graduated from Hanna High School. 1943: Married John Henry Friel. Died Aug. 22, 1968 in Arbuckle, California.
While, James (Headstone) (MIR); Aka: While, J. (MM); While, Jim (BL)
Cemetery: Hanna
Headstone: "Oct. 5, 1880 - Jan. 19, 1921; Father; Gone But Not Forgotten."
Plot: 234
Born: Oct. 5, 1880
Died: Jan. 19, 1921
Age: 40 y's, 3 m's, 14 d's
Note: James While was killed in the Union Pacific Coal Company's No. 4 mine in Hanna. He was buried in Plot 234 in the Hanna cemetery. (BL)
Note: James While, English, age 40, married, widow and seven children, six of them under the age of sixteen, killed in No. 4 on January 19, 1921. Loader, he was employed by the Union Pacific Coal Company at their No. 4 mine, Hanna, Carbon County. Deceased and his son were working as partners loading coal in No. 4 room north "E" plane. They had worked all day in the room and were in the act of connecting wires, making preparations for shooting when a large slab of coal fell from the face, part of which struck him inflicting injuries from which he died two hours afterwards. Deceased was credited with being a very practical mining man. (MIR)
Note: James wife Eliza Ann (Allen) While died in March 1972 and was buried in the College City Cemetery near Arbuckle California. (BL)
More at: The Hanna Miner Monument
Cemetery: Hanna
Headstone: "Oct. 5, 1880 - Jan. 19, 1921; Father; Gone But Not Forgotten."
Plot: 234
Born: Oct. 5, 1880
Died: Jan. 19, 1921
Age: 40 y's, 3 m's, 14 d's
Note: James While was killed in the Union Pacific Coal Company's No. 4 mine in Hanna. He was buried in Plot 234 in the Hanna cemetery. (BL)
Note: James While, English, age 40, married, widow and seven children, six of them under the age of sixteen, killed in No. 4 on January 19, 1921. Loader, he was employed by the Union Pacific Coal Company at their No. 4 mine, Hanna, Carbon County. Deceased and his son were working as partners loading coal in No. 4 room north "E" plane. They had worked all day in the room and were in the act of connecting wires, making preparations for shooting when a large slab of coal fell from the face, part of which struck him inflicting injuries from which he died two hours afterwards. Deceased was credited with being a very practical mining man. (MIR)
Note: James wife Eliza Ann (Allen) While died in March 1972 and was buried in the College City Cemetery near Arbuckle California. (BL)
More at: The Hanna Miner Monument